Just last week a newbie joined us here at the Baltimore Seduction Lair, and the first question he asked was, “Matthew, how do I make a woman want me? To be honest, I’m pretty desperate at this stage, and I’ll do almost anything.”
Indeed, any guy will easily admit that he wants to learn how to make women want him more each day, not less…
Makes sense, right?
In fact, the desire to learn how to make her want you is probably deeply ingrained in your male psyche, no matter what you try to do to resist it. So here’s the bottom line: it’s inside your male psyche! Don’t fight it! 😉
The sad reality is that the vast majority of men in today’s day and age have lots of trouble creating and maintaining attraction with the women that they want to be with.
Common complaints that we hear from guys who seek our help here at the Baltimore Lair include:
- I like her, but she doesn’t like me back.
- She friend-zoned me.
- She plays mind games with me.
- No matter what I do, she doesn’t seem to be attracted to me.
- She dumped me for another guy.
Any of these sound familiar to you? Well, if they are, you’re not alone.
This kind of saddens me because grieving over these problems is hardly necessary… especially when you’re going to find out what you’re going to learn next in this exclusive SIBG.com guide.
Table of Contents
Before You Start…
Before you start, there’s something that you absolutely must know, and it is this –
This “How To Make Her Want You” guide is quite comprehensive and rich in details. If you follow the instructions closely in this guide, success with women will be yours: there’s no question about that!
Here lies the kicker though…
Given how detailed this guide is, remembering EVERYTHING you’ve read here can be quite tricky – especially if you aren’t going to take lots of notes as you learn these awesome techniques…
Don’t worry, for I’ve got your back. 🙂
You see, I’ve originally developed a PDF document containing an Action Checklist for the use of SIBG lair members based on this guide. The good news is that you can now download this same PDF, and for free!
Before you use these techniques on a woman, just leaf through this beautiful 14-page PDF and check off everything you need – this way you won’t forget any important details. Easy, right?
Download this PDF here:
Once you’ve downloaded the Action Checklist, promise me that you won’t share it with anyone, alright? (If any of your friends want to find out more about the Action Checklist, point them to this page.)
Now with that out of the way… let’s start! Are you ready?
Let’s go! 🙂
Guide Overview: What You’re Going To Learn
Before anything, let’s get a broad overview of what you’re going to find in this exclusive SIBG.com guide, alright?
You’re going to find out about some pretty cutting edge information about dating and seducing women – it’s high chance that you’ve never seen anything like this anywhere else. I can pretty much guarantee that!
Much later, you’ll learn an advanced technique like Fractionation to immediately hack into her mind and make her want you like how a fat boy desires a greasy hamburger with a side of fries…
…but as with everything here in SIBG.com, we recommend working your way up from the foundations so that you have firm grip on what really works.
Indeed, resorting to a hardcore seduction technique like Fractionation to make a woman like you without covering the basics first is like learning to run before first learning how to walk.
So let’s do things right, and dive into the basics first, shall we?
How To Make Her Want You: The Foundations
New joiners of the Baltimore Seduction Lair receive what we call the Foundations which contains the three “quick win” techniques that any guy can use to immediately see improvement in their dating lives.
(A summary of the Foundations course can be found inside the Action Checklist PDF download.)
So what we are sharing here are three “quick win” techniques that can help you make a woman want you in a sexual (i.e non-platonic) manner and turn her on… so that she sees you as boyfriend material.
Let’s dig in, shall we?
Technique #1: Congruency
Now this might sound strange, but many guys fail to act like real men when in the presence of women.
Here’s what I mean…
What they tend to do the most is do everything in their power to befriend women, not realizing that by doing so, they lose their masculine edge and fail at sexually attracting them. This, my dear amigo, is a bad, bad mistake.
OK, don’t get me wrong now…
There is absolutely nothing wrong about having things in common with a woman and being able to relate to one’s feminine side of the personality.
However, you should never lose your manly edge since that is what will actually make women sexually attracted to you in the long run.
Makes sense?
In short: being a congruent man is a first step to seduction success. Don’t worry – we will whip you into shape in no time at all. 🙂 Continue reading!
Technique #2: Use Implanted Commands
Implanted Commands are tools used by female Mind Control seducers (like Derek Rake) to influence a woman’s subconscious to make her want a man.
Simply put, an Implanted Command is a phrase in a sentence which if spoken on its own, it would be a “direct” command.
Enough of theory now. Let’s look at some examples now, shall we?
Here’s the structure of a sample Implanted Command which you can use today:
Some examples (the Implanted Command is in bold):
- “Sure, I can tell you that I am the one you’re looking for, but I won’t.”
- “Sure, I can tell you that your boyfriend is a jerk and you should dump him today, but I won’t.”
- “Sure, I can tell you that you’ve always wanted me to be your boyfriend, but I won’t.”
Quite simple, right?
Here’s how an Implanted Command works:
An Implanted Command gets automatically accepted by a woman because it works on her subconscious, completely bypassing her rational mind.
In other words, it “sneaks” under her conscious mind and as such, she won’t be able to reject the suggestion.
Astonishing, isn’t it?
There’s something you need to be careful about when using Implanted Commands though…
You can use Implanted Commands to make a woman have sexual feelings for you – that’s for sure.
However, guys who are not skilled at using Implanted Commands make one particular mistake whenever they try to talk dirty to a woman, and it is this…
You see, instead of using the right Implanted Commands that will arouse her and fire up her imagination, they end up using the wrong ones and sounding like they want to be part of an adult movie – and a bad one at that!
For example: never say something like “Sure, I can tell you that licking my lollipop is an orgasmic experience, but I won’t.” and not expect to be kicked in, well, your lollipops. *grin*
With experience, you will know which words are acceptable in an Implanted Command and which ones aren’t first, so that you can arouse the woman that you are with instead of turning her off and looking like a complete jerk.
The trick here is to be subtle and under the radar: remember, the best kind of seduction is covert in nature.
And when you’re virtually undetectable in your seduction, it’ll make it way harder for her conscious mind to reject you. Does that make sense?
Even better: learn the full Implanted Commands technique inside Derek Rake’s Shogun Method (there’s a list of 44 “pick and use” Implanted Commands as well as the pitfalls to avoid – highly recommended.)
- For another Implanted Command structure that you can use to (sneakily!) plant an idea inside a woman’s mind, see Page 9 of the Action Checklist – click here.
Technique #3: Non-Verbal Attraction
A lot of guys who come up to the Baltimore Seduction Lair for the first time mistakenly believe that they know exactly how body language works and how to use it right in order to attract women.
If you currently aren’t getting the positive results that you have been hoping for in the dating game, then you probably have some space for improvements either way.
So here’s the deal: if you constantly portray the right body language to a woman, you shouldn’t have any trouble making her sexually attracted to you on a very primal level.
(Indeed, with the right non-verbal technique, you can pretty much control and manipulate her mind at will. It’s pretty fascinating!)
Needless to say, the topic of body language seduction has been covered quite extensively, here at SIBG.com and elsewhere. Given the breadth of this topic, it is indeed quite impossible to be covered completely in this short guide.
However, here’s a shortcut “Non-Verbal Attraction” technique which you can use immediately: mirror her. This means that you should copy her movements as she talks to you.
There is a pitfall that you should be aware though. If you come across as too obvious, she might feel as if you’re mocking her.
Here’s how to avoid that pitfall: wait for THREE (3) SECONDS before you mirror her particular movement. This way, you’ll completely slip under the radar as you continue to work on her subconscious.
And once you’ve done this correctly, this is what happens –
She will feel that she has built an emotional rapport with you, and will feel comfortable even as you escalate physically with her.
Pretty awesome, right?
What’s more: mirroring is part of the Mind Control philosophy of seduction (which is markedly different from “Pickup Artist” or PUA style of seduction.)
And guess what –
The truth is that the easiest (and quickest) way to build emotional rapport with a woman is to use Mind Control on her. And the good news is that this knowledge is readily available to you, right here and right now.
Once you’ve mastered the art of using Mind Control on women, what kind of opportunities would be available to you? Just imagine!
For a free online Masterclass on how to use Mind Control to dominate women, enter your email address below –
Give it a go: I can wait. 🙂
How To Make A Woman Like You: By Hacking Her Mind
Many of our members are eager to use more powerful techniques in order to cut the chase and quickly dominate women. We usually advise men to work on the basic stuff first however.
With that said, we do have access to “mind hacking” techniques which would give any guy the “seduction superpowers” to quickly hack into a woman’s mind and make her feel instant attraction.
Imagine having these “seduction superpowers” for yourself… feels exciting, doesn’t it?
We are, however, hesitant to share this knowledge with anyone because it can be dangerous if it falls into the hands of irresponsible people.
(There are guys who are out to seek revenge on women who had previously hurt them… and I don’t want them to access this knowledge.)
One of these “mind hack” techniques, Fractionation, is known to be able to make women fall in love in as little as fifteen (15) minutes from start till finish. Because of its effectiveness, I usually don’t share it with newbies for fear of abuse or misuse.
So, if you do want to learn this technique, you must promise me that you won’t use this technique to hurt women. Also, here’s some lawyer-speak to cover our ass: once you continue below, you agree to absolve SIBG.com from any liability – what you do with the technique is entirely up to you, and is your responsibility.
Click on this link below ONLY if you agree with the above conditions. Thank you for understanding.
▶ ▶ The Fractionation Technique (Online Masterclass) ◀ ◀
Final note from me: use Fractionation to seduce women like a champ… but remember to act responsibly. I know I sound like a broken record, but please, please, please don’t use it to hurt women.
-Matthew “Cougar Hunter” Ganz, founder, Baltimore Seduction Lair (SIBG.com)
PS: We have received a score of emails from our readers with more questions… so we have compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions section below. Check it out!
Frequently Asked Questions
How to make a girl want to dump her boyfriend for you?
What you want are Boyfriend Destroyer techniques. As you can imagine, Boyfriend Destroyer tactics can be pretty troublesome. For one, you’ll piss the boyfriend off (we’ve had reports of our members getting assaulted by angry boyfriends for using these techniques on their women!).
You’ll probably make mortal enemies out of those guys.
What happens next is usually quite predictable. They (the jilted boyfriends) would then seek to fight back by Googling for information (just like what you did.) Understandable, right?
When they do that, they might just stumble upon this article (like you did), which could well lead them to Boyfriend Destroyer techniques (like what you have used on them.) God forbid, they might even start learning the Shogun Method.
And when that happens, there’s really no stopping them to use Shogun Method / Fractionation / Boyfriend Destroyer on your woman!
Don’t get me wrong: I am not discouraging you from using Boyfriend Destroyers in any way.
If you want to do it – just do it with your eyes wide open, OK? That is all. 🙂
How to make her want you more than a friend?
Ah, the age-old “friend zone” question!
First of all, you’ve got to realize that all “she treats me as a friend” problem stems from one thing:
“Contextual Rapport”
It’s the kind of rapport that is strictly platonic. Of course, this is counter-productive if you want to be seen as a potential romantic partner (not a friend).
So, to break “Contextual Rapport”, here’s what to do:
You’ve got to snap out of it and avoid situations where both of you would spend time previously as friends.
For example, if you’ve been hanging out with each other as “friends”, stop doing that.
At the same time, try working the jealousy angle – hint that you’re going out with another girl.
Observe her reaction to that – and if you’ve broken Contextual Rapport then you should see some hints of jealousy in her. Continue to build on that.
Also, consider using Fractionation on her – it’s a proven Contextual Rapport breaker and will get you out of the friend zone in no time.
How to make her want you, long distance?
Tough, tough, tough.
The truth is that you’ll need a slew of long distance strategies through texting, Facebook messaging, emailing and calls… not easy.
And at the same time, pray hard that nobody uses Boyfriend Destroyer techniques on her because while you’re away, she’ll be particularly, well, vulnerable.
You can, however, “inoculate” her from advances from other guys, and at the same time use hypnosis on her in order for her to stay loyal. It’s impossible for me to describe everything inside this guide – the best way is to use Shogun Method on her.
How to make her want you back after break up?
In two simple steps! 🙂
The first step is to disarm her. Pretend to “agree” with her that breaking up is the best thing to do, and you’d also like to move on.
Be careful though…
It’s also important NOT to display any anger or resentment. Instead, try your best to be indifferent. (I know this is easier said than done, but it’s absolutely CRUCIAL for your success.)
Your (non) reaction will fire off questions in her mind, and also make her doubt herself and her decision to leave you. She will even start second-guessing herself…
At the same time, she’ll be ready to engage you more because subconsciously, she feels compelled to “figure you out”.
So far, so good, right?
And when this happens, take the second step and seal the deal.
Use Fractionation on her.
By making her go through an emotional roller coaster, you’ll “force” her to recall the best times that you’ve spent together.
With Fractionation, you’ll trigger her past memories with you when she was happy (which then makes her miss you.)
Breakups are tough… make no mistake about it. And yet, we have perfected this two-step strategy and helped thousands of guys get back with their ex-girlfriends. It works like gangbusters… if you know exactly what to do.
Learn Fractionation by watching this online Masterclass.
Do it!
Okay ive gotten my ex to agree to go to a water park with our daughter and myself and some of her family and right after i get her to agree she says you know im not going yo be spending all my time with you and Ava im going to be with my family too! So whats my next move?
Good stuff. Congruency is key even if I use Fractionation and the Shogun Method… otherwise, you’ll just sound like a creep.
Fractionation + Congruency = KILLER RESULTS
For the rest: click here for a presentation on Fractionation –
Courtesy of the Grand Puba of Mind Control Seduction himself… Derek Rake!
How to use Fractionation on women?
See this –
She had been the first girl to love me and I love her back, but due to what happen she bring out violent words on me so I was so annoyed and I now talk bad on her ,so that’s how we break up. So please what should I do to get her back
OK, I used Fractionation + Implanted Commands on my wife… geez, it really worked. It’s scary how effective this stuff is.
How to make a woman love me?
See the above. Do what the rest of us did… go http://shogunmethod.com/fractionation/
Purchased Shogun Method for one purpose: To get the girl of my dreams. In short, she’s my best friend, though I’ve never met her in person. We are insanely close and super supportive of each other. And I am hopelessly in love. She is a little younger than me, perfect for me, lives across the country from me, and most damning of all is in a 3 year relationship. But she’s invited me to an event where she lives near the end of May this year, and I have 15 days with her over there. I have time, but every minute of the day I feel the ticking clock, and I want to do everything I can as much as I can to make my dream a reality. With Shogun Method, I have the horsepower and gas pedal, but with my circumstances being somewhat outside the norm I have no steering wheel or road map. She is the only thing in my life I want that I cannot have with my own willpower alone. Can someone lend me a hand in this?
Brandon: have you tried leaving a coaching request at your Shogun Method client’s area? That’s where you should ask for expert help when it comes to Shogun Method.
If you want to get laid, you don’t have to prove their financial clout. Just tell women you’re retired!
I know it’s not for everyone but I used Fractionation on this woman I’ve been wanting all my life, and she has transformed from a cold cucumber to a passionate lover who’s all over me. Never thought it could be so effective… but it really worked. Geez… thinking back to all the broken hearts and wasted so much time on nonsense…
It so happened when I realized that he was using me and had been using me this whole time. I thought I could quit him but I couldn’t.
I’m kind of really screwed at that point. I thought this only works on women with self esteem issues or girls but it worked on me. So, fuck you, SIBG.com for giving out this knowledge to irresponsible guys.
Ann Lorenson
Relax, Annie dear. It’s not our fault that this knowledge has been misused by the unscrupulous.
Shogun Method is neutral.
Getting girls is like playing poker – even if you have the correct strategy, you’ll lose sometimes. And even playing badly you’ll win sometimes, because there are lots of random factors siding or against you.
The “correct strategy” is just
1. You don’t need to be an iron wall, but be psychologically and physically strong. Women don’t want to protect their partners… they want to be protected.
2. If you’re going to fake, make sure you can fake REALLY well. The slight sight of fakeness will make women flee like there’s no tomorrow.
3. Don’t put yourself below or above her – put her at your side.
4. Be congruent (see Technique 1 above).
5. Enslave her using Shogun Method!
People think I’m weird all the time and I don’t act like that. But I’ve started to use Implanted Commands and girls became quickly attracted to me… or at least, they are more receptive to what I say.
Implanted Commands rock!
This works generically with girls… is it possible to reprogram this tactic (Fractionation) to work specifically with a girl..? And if the girl is taken can she still be seduced?
Yes, of course. Use this sample Implanted Command to plant seeds of doubt in her mind:
“Sure, I can tell you that your boyfriend is a jerk and you should dump him today, but I won’t.”
Evil… pure evil…
l’m shy… how can Implanted Commands help me?
No problem at all. Use it once and you’ll see how effective Implanted Commands and Shogun Method is… and your shyness will melt away.
I am an old dude, 70, did not have sex for over 20 years.
I am educated, have a beard, work out in a gym, swim 3 times a week – strangely nobody talks to nobody anywhere. Toronto is a stuck op bloody place – since I lived here, nobody introduced me to any woman.
I do not have a car, no cell, no girl – everybody is avoiding me like a plague.I dress well, I smell good.
Will I die alone in pain?
Fellows, help!
Don’t wait for someone to introduce you, introduce yourself, do the first move, have confidence, get in groups where women are. 🙂
P.S.: I go Groove dancing, classes and dancing night are full of women, almost no men. Here, I am free to use a technique like Fractionation on women without getting cockblocked!
Help… The love of my life keeps going back to a guy who is using Fractionation to keep her confused then tells her she’s not meant to be happy when she tries to leave him when she realizes she isn’t happy, and doesn’t love him… Most of the time he does Fractionation so well that she ends up frustrated, and confused. When she does manage to leave him he assaults her, and convinces her that it’s her fault for making him mad in the first place… He busted her lip, and her nose. I don’t agree with the methods but… It seems I have to fight fire with fire in order to save her. I’ll deal with the guilt on my own someday but for now… I need to stop this abusive bastard. Is there any method that is stronger, or out performs Fractionation? Or something to wake her up with… Anything. She even realizes that he’s doing something intentionally that messes with her head but it’s like that information passes through her thoughts, and is gone only moments later…
I’d skip everything and go directly into FRACTIONATION, but that’s just me I suppose! 🙂
Well, as I’ve said, it’s good to start from the foundations, but yeah, fractionation works, totally!
I want to know how to become a member.
Membership is closed for now, unfortunately.
I lost my girlfriend to some other guy, how can I use this to get her back, I don’t see her in person anymore!
Short answer: find out about Shogun Method, and use it on her.
Short, actionable answer: start here.