Just last week I met up with a mentee of mine (let’s call him John) who writhed to me, “Matt, I’ve been played.” He then complained about the frequent mind games that his woman played on him, and how he got driven to the edge of his sanity from these mind games.
I empathized with John because I was in a similar position many years ago… way before I founded the Baltimore Seduction Lair (SIBG.com) of course.
Over the years, I’ve come to this one very important realization – regardless of whether a man is just dating around or is in a serious relationship with a woman –
A man needs to know how to beat a woman’s mind games if he doesn’t want to be stepped over by women all his life.
The sad fact is that women play mind games all the time when they want to get men to do things that they want or need. Often, they make men jump through hoops just to feel validated and powerful.
Sucks, right?
Fortunately in some cases, they use methods that are piss easy to spot: like playing hard-to-get or just blatantly using you. These should be treated as red flags that you should always try to spot.
So the bottom line is this: you should never fall prey to a woman’s mind games under any circumstance.
And in this guide, we’ll show you how to do just that.
You’ll discover how to regain all your power back in the relationship, and save yourself from any potential embarrassment from getting pussywhipped by your woman.
Trust me: there’s nothing worse than getting controlled and dominated by a woman in a relationship!
Want to find out what the most common female mind games are and how you can beat them with ease? Keep reading…
Table of Contents
Before You Start…
Before you continue with this article, there’s one important thing that you must know, and it is this…
Most of the time when you read an article online, you’ll probably just breeze through the content without taking any concrete action from it.
I want you to know that it’s NOT your fault. Most content that you find online is not that “actionable” anyway, right?
This SIBG guide, however, is different. It has concrete, step-by-step action steps for you to take in order to improve your skills.
After all, let’s not kid ourselves here. “Learning” without applying what you have learned is pretty darn useless, isn’t it?
To help you apply the things that you’re going to learn here in this guide, I’ve developed a beautiful Action Checklist for you to download and use.
In the Action Checklist (downloadable in PDF format), you’ll find everything in this guide in clear, step-by-step format which you can use to immediately use dating life to see quick, positive results in your dating life. Cool, right?
To download the Action Checklist, click on this link below.
In the Action Checklist, there’s also an extra bonus tactic which is not found in this article. Check it out!
As I’ve originally developed this Action Checklist for the members of the Baltimore Seduction Lair only, kindly avoid sharing it with anyone else, alright?
After you’ve downloaded the Action Checklist, continue with the rest of this guide, OK?
Using Mind Control To Beat A Woman’s Mind Games
Let’s quickly cut to the chase and get into the gist of this guide:
There’s only one way to beat a woman’s mind games, and it is this: use Mind Control on her.
Of course, not many will agree with me for two major reasons – (1) that Mind Control is “immoral”, and (2) that it could potentially damage a woman’s psyche if used irresponsibly.
My response to that is pretty simple:
- Your “morality” is none of my business. My job is to tell you what works, not what’s deemed to be morally acceptable by the society.
- It’s up to you to control the “damage” that you will inflict on a woman. As with any weapon or tool, it’s up to the you to use it for good, or for harm.
Therefore, if you have no moral objections to using Mind Control, and you’ll promise to use the techniques responsibly, then the path in front of you is clear.
Learn the foundations of Mind Control in this online Masterclass by Derek Rake, the founder of Shogun Method (possibly the best known Mind Control seduction system on the planet). Enter your email address here –
Seriously, watch the Masterclass. It changed my entire perspective on dating and seducing women for the better, and it had shaped me into what I am today, no freakin’ joke.
When you’re done with the Masterclass, continue below…
The Game of Jealousy
Here are some surefire signs that you are being played:
- She talks with other men in front of you and openly flirts with them
- She praises other men in front of you and others (especially among her friends and family members)
- She comments on highly inappropriate things about other men (“he must be great in bed!”)
Yes, women pull that kind of crap all the time.
Have you wondered why?
Simple, really. She will intentionally try to make you jealous because she knows that you will end up trying harder to impress her when you do so.
(This is one of the reasons why she might start playing hard-to-get as well. Really fucked up if you think about it, right?)
The best way to beat this game is simple…
…don’t react to anything she says.
Regardless of how over-the-top her praises (to other men) might be, you shouldn’t show her that you are affected by them.
Keep a poker face, and stay stoic all the time.
Here’s the deal…
If you remain confident in your skin and show minimum reaction to what she says, she will eventually grow tired of her game (it’s just a matter of time before she gives up.)
And when that happens, she will realize that you aren’t affected by petty things like jealousy anymore.
Heck, she may even stop playing mind games altogether if she doesn’t get any response from you.
Remember… it’s all a ploy to get you to react to her. Beat her at her own game by being indifferent.
Simple, right?
The Game of Disrespect
Every couple will go through a time where disrespect is the main problem.
(Indeed, this is one of the biggest sticking points of newbies who just joined the Baltimore Lair).
You see, when a relationship starts, everything is hunky dory. (Enjoy that while it lasts!)
However, every relationship will soon reach a stage where the woman would want to prove that she has the upper hand. This is the point where there will be a tussle for control and dominance in the relationship.
And when this happens, women want to prove that they still have the upper hand in the relationship.
So, what’s the best way to beat the Game of Disrespect then?
Simple, really – it would be to let her know that you value self-respect more than anything else. Yes, this means that she becomes secondary to your own self-respect.
Makes sense?
And once you open her eyes to this simple fact, she is sure to drop the game and run back into your arms again. Why? Because then she will be afraid to lose you (but only if you play your cards right.)
So, if you want to learn how to beat a woman’s mind games, you either have to ignore her completely or be blunt with her.
Heck, you should even scare her a little bit if you can.
Remember: women only play these games because they are craving attention. If you stop giving them attention, the mind games will stop.
Simple, right?
If you call her out with confidence, stand firm and show her that you won’t tolerate any of that nonsense, she is sure to stop the game altogether…
…or if you don’t, then the cycle will simply keep on going without end.
What if she doesn’t yield? Well, who fucking cares? Just tool up on your pickup and seduction techniques (read our legendary Art Of The Pickup guide) and you won’t be shortage of women throwing themselves at you. Truth!
Turning The Tables: Playing Mind Games On Her
Think about it: why not let a woman have a taste of her own medicine? After all, there’s nothing stopping you from playing mind games on her, right?
In fact, we have found that for guys who are stuck in the dreaded friend zone, playing mind games is the surest way to get out, bar none.
Watch this short YouTube video to find out how to get out of the friend zone using the “Reverse LJBF” tactic:
The word-for-word scripts can be found on pages 7 to 9 of the Action Checklist (download for free here.)
The Ultimate Cure-All
Through our experience of coaching men in the Baltimore Lair more the last 16 years, we have come to know this: a potent combination of Jealousy and Disrespect usually marks the end of the seducer.
Remember this because it’s utmost important!
When a woman starts to play mind games on you: it’s a sign that she’s taking control of the relationship. And that’s also the beginning of the end if you don’t solve the problem immediately.
It’s possible to recover, of course, but it’s a steep mountain to climb. Problems like women mind games are best nipped in the bud.
Take heart, however, because there’s a solution.
It’s not a “magic pill”, but if you do it correctly, women mind games will be a thing of the past. And if you do things correctly, she will completely transform into a docile little kitten yearning for your control and domination.
This solution is Fractionation – which you may already know as the “grand daddy” of all Mind Control seduction techniques. Indeed, once you mastered this technique you will be able to know exactly what and how a woman thinks – and this is tremendous advantage to any seducer. It’s like having an X-Ray vision into the female mind.
We are, however, aware that the Fractionation technique can be horribly MISUSED (we have had a “rogue” SIBG.com member who created a legion of women stalking him), and as such, we would like to ask you to USE THE TECHNIQUE RESPONSIBLY.
So, if you do not agree to this condition (our lawyers have asked us to put up this disclaimer), then do not click on this link below –
▶ ▶ Fractionation Masterclass (DO NOT ABUSE THIS TECHNIQUE) ◀ ◀
-Matthew “Cougar Hunter” Ganz, founder, Baltimore Seduction Lair (SIBG.com)
PS: Leave me messages below if you have got questions.
I’ve been pussywhipped all my life… but I didn’t know it! Only when I came to the realization that women will LOVE me more if I start behaving like a real MAN that I became truly desirable. I’ve learned Fractionation and Shogun Method, and it changed my life for the better. Now I flip the tables around and play mind games on women instead… loving every single minute.
Sunny, you’re not alone: https://shogunmethod.com/love/
Success with women is yours for the taking, folks.
Don’t put up with games period. If she wants commitment then she should show you she deserves it. If she keeps getting humiliating and abussive then get rid of her BUT give her a good taste of her own medicine before you do. She is a lost cause but you should not let anyone use you like a doormat. Revenge is dish best served cold. Easy way is just to spread the word around about her.
You decide if the fight is worth the battle! And if it is, you’ve got the best attraction (nay, ENSLAVEMENT) arsenal there is: Shogun Method.
Am married to my wife and its almost a year now. However, immediately after our wedding my wife’s behavior changed tremendously.
I initially decided to leave my personal bank account and do most deposit into hers showing transparency. But after some time when I ask for the bank card if I want do some withdrawal, she would respond, why don’t you go use your own bank account. From the time we started our relationship my wife has never been open wit her salary. Instead she ll only do her house obligations and mostly want to know how much making because I do own my own computer business. However, due to her secrecy about money, I decided also to stop talking about cash and manage my own financial issues.
Secondly, she doesn’t allow me to learn how to drive her car which was bought while we lived together with her resignation package before we got married. Lastly, she likes going through my phone checking my conversations with legion of clients to the extent of phoning and fighting with some of them. The fact is, I’ve never cheated on her. When she is upset to go to some place, she’ll firstly go through my phone and pick of a fight then go so that I don’t phone or ask her where she had gone. Her siblings too insults me and disrespect me. Sometimes I feel maybe its because I’m a foreign guy living in South Africa.
That was three months ago. Then I fought back her mind games using Fractionation, and she has surrendered her dominance to me. Sweet, sweet tears!
Love it!
I’m 30 years old and the female I am interested in is 44 with two kids. Her attitude towards me is making me hate her as a person. I enjoy our laughs but its like she show less interest in me. What can I do?
Run away two kids! Unless you want to play uno reverse you self out of you there mate for sure… but if you want her attention be there for her when she gets down from looking after kids.
You want to know how to beat a woman’s mind games? You stop playing them or you never play them in the first place! Sometimes, the best way to win is to not play the game at all. That’s what I’ve learned after a long time!
I’ve learned to pick up on when some girl starts playing mind games with me, so I pick up on it very fast. As soon as she starts playing, I throw the board in her face and don’t bother speaking to her again. I refuse to play mind games, and it pisses me off whenever a girl does them!
To my fellow men: tell her to kick rocks whenever she starts messing with your head. Find someone who won’t waste your time (but let’s be honest here, those kinds of women don’t seem to exist anymore). Playing mind games is a complete waste of time!
It depends. Mind games is part and parcel of relationships: it tests your “fitness” as a partner.
Many of you suggested not to play that kind of game. The problem is (I find it extremely infuriating) is that they still get away with it feeling better about themselves knowing they will continue getting attentions from guys whom they like. They simply WON’T learn anything from their mistakes if you just stop playing that game, instead they will think you are nothing but another loser.
There are so many whores out there. That’s messed up… but there is a way.. be a dick! Letting her know about her mistakes, insult her, and leave her. That may sound harsh but surely will get your message across. Simple.
That’s what I did!! Problem is she’s too stupid to realize it was the truth. Too stupid to realize why I couldn’t make love to her anymore. Games are for children and I’m not turned on by children.
LOL – where to start, let’s just get right to it – THEY DO NOT CARE AND THAT IS YOUR ONE SIGN TO AVOID THEM.
It’s easy to spot a loser girl, gal, woman – avoid them, don;t le them guilt trip you or try and Venus Gap Trap you so they can lie, cheat, steal, kill even just to get what they WANT. See, religion holds one accountable, but whores just WANT because that’s their lives of NO RESPECT – JUST EXPECT. If a girl, gal, woman doesn’t respect herself she ain’t gonna respect you. Don’t even bother with losers like that.
Men, it ain’t your job to fix what some natural born empty hartlot broke on purpose to emotionally manipulate and lie to you so she can treat you as an option while she grows up and pulls her head on fire out her blown out ass. Sex is all most the losers have and that’s how they trap you SO DON’T FALL FOR IT. NEVER EVER TRUST ANY WOMAN IF YOU ARE A MAN AND THE OPPOSITE GOES FOR THE GIRLS, GALS, WOMEN AS WELL. Also, the single mothers are the problem, they didn’t and still don’t know sh!t but but but… “it’s a man’s fault” LOL! PATHETIC. Ignore the sympathy attention whire bait and leave them be, eventually they’ll all die out.
Mind games is simply ridiculous and a sign of psychological disorder.
Well, what isn’t these days? 🙂
Validate yourself instead of seeking approval from others. A gentleman does not get walked over. Move on and dont bite the bait when she tries to make you feel sorry for her or when she tells you how much she misses you. Don’t take the challenge or hope it will be different. The old behaviour will come back and this time she might even go for the kill by cheating on you because you hurt her ego by standing up for yourself. Just walk away and don’t look back. It was fun while it lasted.
That is simply well worded and true. I’ve got a girlfriend right now that’s using her own brother to push me over the edge. She knows exactly the buttons to push and turning it back on me. It’s just a f—-ng game for them. U know treat me like a joke I’ll leave you like it’s funny.
Focus your attention on something abstract and rewarding. In other words, dont focus on women all that much. A wise man once told me if you spend your life trying to make people like you and bend them to your will you will only find failure because human beings will always let you down – it is part of our nature. Instead dedicate your time and energy to something abstract like art or philosophy or religion, whatever, these things wont let you down because that is their nature.
Again, there’s sides to every story. It’s up to you to decide if putting up with a woman’s mind games is worth it. Sometimes, it is, and when that’s the case, knowledge like Shogun Method becomes handy.
Simply…if you’re giving your time and attention and not getting it back? IGNORE HER UNTIL SHE DOES.
Keep in mind that 75% of the US population is male because of gender selective technology and abortions of female infants and that a lot of men will always be alone and desperate. Women will always end up with a man.
U.S. Population by gender in 2010. Male 49.2 % Female 50.8%. We must read different books.
The easiest way to beat a woman at any mind game is don’t marry them.
As soon as you married a woman all your efforts go down the drain. How do I know? Alpha male, married late in life and after 7 years of marriage she destroyed a family and left the kids with me.
Marriage is for F’n idiots.
Nothing wrong with long term commitments, just do not marry them the law is on their side and pretty much everything else, even if they are cheating whores.
I think she just wants to dominate you. She might not care about your needs because she might be a feminist!
Fight fire with fire. You can tame a feminist using Fractionation. I’ve tried that, and it worked. Trust me on this.
I am so glad that I never married. What I have is my own. Just slept with a very hot babe today. She was great, but whatever. I have run into old school chums who ended up getting their a$$es handed to them by their ex-wives, some of their wives grew fat as pigs, which shows no respect for themselves, and no regard for the poor chumps they married. And the truth is, even if a woman grows as fat as swine, they can still and do still cheat, because there is always some pathetic loser who will do her. Face it, 85% of women look better with their clothing on, yet someone or other is sleeping with many of these women regardless of how repulsive they look. All of that said, when I was a young guy, women treated me with a great deal of respect. From what I see today, women act like trash and try to see how much crap you will take off of them. I think it has plenty to do with our drugged out, alcoholic, mentally deranged society, which is spitting out mini-me´s of diseased parents… also, the whole neg gaming… it is trash culture of narcissism, which is devil worship.
Harry, I think you nailed it. The Adderall-addicted, alcoholic women of the world are truly messed up. It’s the meds and booze and the unevenness in their endocrinology.
Also, their vulnerability to techniques like Fractionation certainly makes them the weaker sex!
Matt, where can I learn more about Fractionation?
The link for the Masterclass is here:
If it’s offline, it means that it has been taken off.
Dude, this one chick was playing some serious mind control games from the beginning, she when I finally caught on, and stood up to her, she blocked me on Facebook. Here’s the back story:
We met on POF and moved over to Facebook. I really escalated this chick to the point she was sending me nude pics and videos of herself. I gave her my number and told her to call me.
She kept telling me she would call me, but never did. Then I told her that I didn’t want to talk anymore on messenger, and if she wanted to chat, to call me.
3 days later, she leaves a message on my public profile saying she wanted to meet up. I responded, “Ha! I can’t even get you to call me, and you think I’m gonna take the chance of being stood up by you? Uh, na.” She replied back that there’s no fun in that, blah blah blah blah shit. So I told her if she really wanted to meet up, come to my house. That way, if you do stand me up, I won’t have much invested to be stood up about. I’d be pretty close to home. She never replied for a couple of days.
Today, she unfriends me on Facebook, and I sent her another friend request, and a message, “why did you unfriend me?”. Several hours went by, no response, so i messaged one more time, “No, you know what, I’m not interested in passing your tests. When you’re ready to meet up, let me know. Until then, don’t contact me with another shit test to pass. Only contact me when you’re ready to meet up. Peace”.
That’s when she blocked me.
Your site should be banned. You don’t deserve the privilege of free speech in this country. I hope you burn in hell.
So self righteous, eh? You could’ve just exited the site instead of getting so TRIGGERED like the snowflake you are.
Shogun Method is blessing to the world.
Yes, I wonder why they throw a fit when they can just, you know, close the window.
please send me more tips on how to biet a woman mind games
Looks like that typo kind answered it.
Instead of biet how about bite her head off lol
How about find a woman who’s not into stupid mind games, and don’t play with women who do that BS? I have to say that the article above kind of made me shudder. I definitely don’t believe that women play mind games “to dominate the relationship.” Men play games as well, just as much a women do. I believe that women play games to test a man’s loyalty and in search of security. If a woman does want control or to dominate a relationship, run as fast as you can. That just isn’t right! I will admit this – a real woman truly wishes to submit to a man, BUT that man MUST be worthy to submit to. Anyway, that’s just scratching the surface. In a relationship and man and woman should be equal, not one better or over the other. A woman should ultimately give the man the gavel, and the man should listen to the woman’s voice before he slams that gavel, and again, the woman must let the man slam the gavel – always. It’s a beautiful symbiotic relationship.
BTW, I just happened to land on this page. I was actually searching something like, “women who play mind games on other women to power trip aka micromanaging boss.”
AND this article above, wow, it really troubled me! Part of me wanted information like this to disappear forever, but at the same time, I couldn’t help but to agree with this (some parts, not all).
Interesting article. I’ve found that these techniques work equally well with men who play their mind games.
Wow! If only more women could have your attitude and mindset with regard to relationships we would have Nirvana! You are obviously not from California!!
What should you do when a girl you have been dating for 5 months asks if you feel comfortable with her inviting a guy she met at school over to study at her place?…I told her that I do feel uncomfortbale and that I think it’s wrong for her to invite a guy over to study if her and I are sleeping together literally every night.
She said I don’t need you to tell me what to do…I pay rent and this is my place.
Anytime I point out what she’s doing wrong she gets upset. I feel like her communication skills are lacking. I’m trying to be the best possible man I can be. The problem escalated and I ended up yelling at her and she got scared. I didn’t mean to scare her just ended up losing my temper.
Man you are being a bitch! Take back your manhood and kick the bitch out of there!
I just want to point out that these kind of things are actually commonly used by male professors in universities towards first year young female students.
There is really not a lot of people that would accept to use manipulation WHILE refusing to hurt women. Especially young girls.
It goes altogether and everybody knows it. The more you do it, the better you become at it, the less you care about other people feelings, and the more you start to actually enjoy inflicting pain to others. Thats what domination, total control and ENSLAVEMENT are about.
And if you believe women want to dominate men, please share with me websites as amoral as this one about “how to enslave men and feel powerful in your relationships”.
When you need to accuse women of what you are actually doing to justify what you do and want, it is not simply amoral; it is pathetic. You want control yet you can’t even assume the fact that women have nothing to do with this.
Greetings! I know this site applies to men dating women, however, I happened to find this site in the google search zone. There is so much truth to the info that is posted on this website. People play so many mind games nowadays that it is deadly. After I broke up with my 2nd ex toward the end of 2008, I discovered that my old friends, and some of my family members as well as my ex’s family were playing lots of games with me. It has nearly ruined my life as well as other people who have been negatively affected by the power of mind games. Many of the games involved a distorted view of how to live your life through deadly competitions. Competitions that involved comparing people, degrading people, preventing people from having access to money, and bullying. It was so terrible that I experienced repeated incidents of cruel behaviors that attacked my character and others who I cared about deeply. One in particular: receiving an email from a man who posed as an employer but really was a terrorist: Paul Harding and Heather Daylight entitled “Loser II” in February of 2009. The email that I sent was a response to a job that I was interested in working but was unable to start due to circumstances. The response was an attack relating to my job status, ability to perform duties and demeaning words that I was shocked to read. I had realized that I was also stuck in other mind games that my female friends had played with me because they were jealous of the relationships that I had with my ex-boyfriends and were doing bad things to me behind my back to knock me down and out of the competitions that they started. It turned into a really ugly situation when I discovered who was involved. I was shocked to see that they were old friends from high school and college and some family who I haven’t spoken to in years. I have been trapped in their games for 5 years and have suffered greatly. I pray that the games will end and that my life will improve but sometimes I don’t know if that is even possible. Mind games can really destroy people’s lives especially when it involves relationships. Particularly when it involves jealousy mind games that can spark a fuse and set people in rage. I think people who do that are EVIL. They are craving more than attention. They just want to start drama. It’s almost like they are addicted to it. This is a good forum to read about issues that we face in our daily lives and how to find ways to prevent it and stop it.
Afartkoch Bin-Batrakock Al-Tilamosy,
In the first place, there is no benefit at all to keep hanging with women that it might even occur to her to play mind games, since necessarily that means she is manipulative and therefore un-trust worthy. Therefore, it would best to spare the headache and the harm that she might inflict you. Do not even bother to learn any techniques, since waste of time. In my opinion, the best solution if you are unfortunate guy whom got stuck with such mind gamer, would be to find your older torn and dusty shoes and hit her right straight on her head center and follow big wet spit if wishing, in another word tell her to beat the fuck-off out and seek her a stupid idiot that tolerate can her games. (Eat well and sleep well). it’s NOT worth it.
I loved this article. I could see some of my own behaviours. I have had some boyfriendss point out that I play mind games but others would never say that. I do think our culture teaches women that they need to be the prize and this is how we keep ourselves feeling special and still a catch after being “caught”… We know that relationships are somewhat disposable and we want to feel constantly renewed, not refunded. Deep culturally driven psychologically ingrained issues aside, power dynamics come down to the two people involved and what they trigger in each other. I think I am mostly a well rounded woman but I have dated men who resented my lack of emotional expression.. In a way they played games to get me to express things that I wasn’t ready to but in their mind I was the one playing the game of hard to get.. Two sides to a coin friends. Who you are with one person is not the same as who you are with others or by yourself, but if you hear the same thing time and again or keep meeting the same women, something needs to change and it starts with cleaning out your own closet not just shutting down a woman’s self protective mechanisms…
My female compatriots will hate me for this, but the reality is that something like Fractionation works really well (I’ve seen the masterclass), and it’s fair game for guys to use them on females, just like how females play mind games on guys.
Note to the reader: Hannah’s mention of the masterclass can be found here:
The problem with western culture is that we’re all so fucking spoiled we don’t appreciate nice people. This is why bitches and assholes will always get laid more often than nice guys and nice girls. Privileged people want something they have to work for because they’ve been handed everything else in life. However, instead of complaining about these immature whores, we should do like the article said and ignore them completely. I’ve dealt with many women who play mind games and the second I call them on their shit, they get mad and walk away. I may not get their pussy anymore but at least I’m not being disrespected.
Great article. I just recently stopped dealing with a women who was all about games. She tried to change the subject when she was in the wrong a lot. And use the phrase “but a gentlemen would” when she wanted her way. So I’m glad I stopped dealing with her and the article is true. The cycle will never end if you except it.
Hopefully there’s a woman out there who doesn’t play those games to an annoying rate. Even if there is one, I’d use Fractionation on her – problem solved.
Well said @George Dillard.
You hit the nail on the head. I just did the same recently with a women I liked.
She use to always changed the subject when she was wrong…. guilt tripping me when she was wrong. Tried to make me jealous which I never pay attention. And finally when I stood firm and told her what she is all about and showing her that I respect myself and value myself, she blocked me on social media like Facebook, Whatsapp, my mobile number, etc.
So now I completely ignore her without sinking to her level and trying to move on, but not so fast. Now she is in contact with my friends (via searching them on Facebook) trying to contact me through them rather contacting me directly.
It hurts a little bit as I truly liked her and the whole situation is still on my mind, but hey, as they say, what does not kill you makes you stronger.
Once she gets back in touch, I’ll hit her with a good dose of Fractionation.
Think of Fractionation as the “Golden Hammer” which you can wield – but only selectively.
Some dudes out there really get their feelings hurt over nothing.
Very True.
What is obvious to me is the irony, hypocrisy and contempt of the mind games. The gamer ASSUMES that it is a one-way street. Not so fast! The gamer wants you to show your worth and worthiness. Ah, but ’tis a TWO-WAY street! They have to show their worth, too. It is NOT *ALL* about them! Don’t cower to their games nor let them control you with them!
Not to mention: you can easily fight back with mind games – like Fractionation!
Oh my… this is so written by a guy…
The title to this should be “If men played the same mindgames girls play”
This is so not how you “beat” mindgames. This will get you a resented woman who will escalate the mindgames to an annoying, yet addictive level.
If it´s any use to you.
First off, you don´t “Beat” a woman´s mindgames, because she´s not trying to compete with you, if you want them to stop, you have to rip them off by the root.
Women don´t play mindgames because they want “the upper hand” in the relationship. They want your attention, and they want security. This works biologically in your favor. Men are not very fond of giving women the security that they will be there (commitment, ew!) but just as your arousal centre is based on challenge, women´s is based on safety.
Guys tend to say they don´t like being played around by women, yet they respond to manipulative women so well, while ignoring women who are just as hot, just not as interested on playing with your mind. Many guys don´t even notice they do it, but you need to start putting your money where your mouth is. You don´t like being used? Don´t respond to the girls who represent a challenge, don´t go for the “hard to get” one.
But anyway, too much intro. Women´s libido decreases when they don´t feel safe around you (emotionally safe, that is) I´m not telling you to lie to her, that is pretty much the mother of all mindgames Guys play games on girls all the time, by the time you know her, she most likely already heard whatever you have to say, and it was a lie before, you are relying on how much she wants it to be true for her to believe you, you don´t want to have to depend on how much she likes you before you even show her the first thing about you. Be honest. Most girls would rather hear a “I´m not sure I want anything serious, but I really like you” over a lame pickup line. They respond positively to pickup lines when they like the guy, so there´s no “line” that will work for anyone. You are really depending on whether she likes what she sees or not. She es likely to play dumb, so that you don´t feel exposed on your lame line, but she will still think it´s lame. If you get to take her home, it was all based on anything, but your moves.
But anyway, back to the two games you present (which by the way, are bad signs, both of them are immature, even for women who play games)
The jealousy game:
This is an insecure woman´s card for attention. If she is complimenting another guy in front of you, first off, discard honesty (If she´s talking about her gay friend, or her cousin, this is not a mindgame, she´s just describing qualities she enjoys being around, if you have them, show her, if you don´t, get them, if you can´t, ignore the statement altogether). If she is talking about a single friend and mentioning how great he is, this is a terrible sign of insecurity. A secure lady is more likely to get the guy to call her while she´s with you, or get a guy to send her flowers, or buy her a gift. If her only weapon is talking about how great some other dude is, this is low. I suggest you back off, but if you really like her, don´t ignore her. The first time, respond with a humorous statement that makes it clear you don´t care about the other guy, but you do care about her, something like “Why are we talking about how great whatshisface is? I´m here to talk about how great (her name here) is!” If this works, she just had a moment of weakness, and she shouldn´t be doing it again. If she does it often, there´s a deeper confidence problem. Anyway, if you just ignore her statements, she might stop doing it, but she will resent you, and later on you´ll be in the “I don´t know why she´s so mad!” spot for ages.
The Game of Disrespect.
This is also a bad one, what kind of girls do you date?!
This is completely unacceptable. If she puts you down, that relationship will never work. This rarely ever is about having the upper hand in the relationship. Women who do this kind of thing will usually disrespect you when they think they already have the upper hand, they are not trying to reassure that, they are so convinced that they are “too good for you” that they think that disrespecting you will cause you to either better yourself up to her level, or compensate for being out of her league with presents, or compliments. This is not a good relationship to have. Even if she is out of your league, it´s not worth it. A woman who disrespects you is not playing a game. She really doesn´t respect you. If you make her think she can lose you, and she tries to get you back, this doesn´t necessarily means she respects you, it just means she still wants you to want her. Just like before, test the water before you go for a solution. Is she really disrespecting you, is she just reacting to something you did that she considered disrespectful (even if you don´t think it is bad at all, if one action from you triggers her disrespect, this is not something she does to you, it´s something you´re both doing to each other, and even though it´s just as unhealthy, it´s not a mind game). If it is a mindgame, you´re dealing with a toxic kind of woman. Back off. If you insist, it´s not as simple. Search below for the one that applies, and find the “workaround” ahead:
If her disrespectful actions seem to come out of nowhere, but she does go after you if you pull away, give her a limit. More than three times of going after you, but disrespecting you again mean she doesn´t really like you that much, she thinks she´s out of your leage, but she likes having you around to boost her ego. If you like her too much to just go, then, next time you´re with her, while the conversation is good, say you need to go. Be less available, but always make sure to leave at a good moment in the conversation, leave her wanting more all the time, and be less available. When she disrespects you, don´t get angry, don´t tell her anything about it, just take it lightly. Everytime you see her, make sure you leave before she wants you to. This will leave her wanting you everytime, and if you are patient, she will begin respecting you, once she notices you´re not all about her, but without the resentment. You just have a whole life she´s not a part of. She´ll get curious, and start taking you as something more than her “ego booster”
If she is disrespectful with words, but her actions tell you otherwise (She calls you names, but is faithful and honest, or makes fun of you, but always treats you right in front of people) This is the best case scenario, she was probably just raised in that kind of environment, it is possible that she doesn´t think she is disrespecting you at all, so if you pull away, she is likely to just let you go. The solution to this one is easy too, next time she makes fun of you, just ask her (not aggressively, maybe even laugh at first) “Why do you need to put me down like that?” if she doesn´t answer thinking it´s a joke, hold her hand and ask “no, seriously, why do you?” If she doesn´t think she´s putting you down, explain to her how you feel and ask again. The time will come when she won´t know how to answer, and she might try to stop. Be patient, this may be the result of years of raising.
If she´s disrespectful, but she always has a “valid” reason for it when she asks for forgivenes (and it always ends up being your fault). TOXIC. Get away from those girls. They might convince you that they are super nice, and that they didn´t mean to
disrespect you, but you just hurt her so much when you (insert anything you did here). This type of girl is usually “emotionally slutty”. She will tell you “very personal” things very soon on the relationship (some of them may not be true) statements like “I didn´t want to hit you, but you put your hand on my leg, and my uncle used to put his hand on my leg before he abused me” Beware of those too early in the relationship. She will insert a “delicate” matter that you´d better not argue. Even if it sounded untrue, child abuse is such a serious thing, you wouldn´t risk asking too much, right? If she´s sharing very serious issues as “explanations” of why she is disrespectful, get away. Maybe, accept one tragedy as good. If she gives you too many too soon, she is either too troubled for you to handle, or just lying about things people shouldn´t lie about.
I think this is already a bit too long. But there are so many more “mind-games” out there you should probably know about, but this is already too long.
I´ll close like I began. If you don´t like being played with, respond to more simple girls, stop responding to the “complicated” women out there. Every girl wishes she didn´t “have to” play them, some don´t and get guys to play with them. Some play them and get a bunch of great guys falling over them. Stop falling for it, and the girls will stop playing them.
Read your post. It was like a movie that I could relate with many cases to every single line you wrote. Recently I’ve been involved with a girl who gives too much -I mean too much- of information about so many horrible things that happened to her while I know she can’t be in all that, for example, she can’t be raped by three men and yet talks about it in our first date and yet has done nothing about it, no police calls, no therapy, and just stories about how she was raped. This was the most horrible one from many she shared and every time in our conversations she passes by any of these horrible tragedies that happened in her life like she is window shopping at a mall. I thought she needed attention and I felt pity for her, now she tries to act like what ever I do insults her but she forgives me because she is a very understanding and nice person. I am really confused, I swear I an very gentle and read a lot about women, I watch my behavior but there is always something that hurts her, and I end up apologizing and explaining that I really did not mean to express anything mean thru what I said to her. Tiring. Worst is that I think that I’m in love with her, not sure though.
Thanks Again
Why do guys still have these kind of problems when they can just use something like Fractionation and stop all these mind games? Doesn’t make sense.
Well, this is clear that you were dealing with that type of girl which meant that you were at the same level with her. If you are not of low self esteem, you will totally avoid her. It makes sense.
Sorry but I laughed at your story.
If you know Shogun Method then you will be spoiled for choice, and not have to put up with this nonsense.
You will still need to understand HOW a woman’s mind works to use Shogun Method to beat her mind games.
What the hell is an insecurity? And why even play a mind game in the first place.
Good article. I have encountered those girls who think they are above most men. And who keep nice guy around to play with an get that ego boost. Wake up women! There are too many of you, it is old, tiring and getting played out….get it? PLAYED OUT! Using anyone for your your pleasure like a dog who is bored of his toys? You should be ashamed of yourselves! You uncaring, selfish, Toxic, ice queens! You will be old and alone. BTW…looks fade! Honesty is soooo much easier.
Stop the mind games. It’s no use:- trust your instincts so that you find a nice and sweet and perhaps handsome man to love you for the rest of his life. There is NO USE in the mind games, period. Just be honest about what you want and if you get rejected, than that’s the risk of WANTING something.
In short, just be honest and truthful – you’ll go a long way that way. I really don’t want to resort to mind control techniques to use on women, but I can perfectly understand why some guys use them. I try not to.
Good stuff. Checking out Fractionation now.
I have a little situation and maybe you can help me figure this one out. I crossed paths with a woman and I know she’s the only one who can tell me exactly what’s going on in her head, but I’m a bit confused with this one. You may or may not have heard of the chain supermarket ALDI. However, they opened a location in the town next to mine. I began shopping there a little over two years ago and there’s a woman working there who’s the store manager. I usually shop there on Tuesdays or Wednesdays because I have those nights off work ( overnighter). Now I’m used to seeing women everywhere I go so most blend in with each other to the point where I look and see some as attractive but don’t always pay much mind. About a month ago while in ALDI I noticed the manger I mentioned was stocking some items on the shelves at the end of an aisle as I was just about to pass her up. She look back at me over her left shoulder and leaned over to show her assests, and it was easy to tell it was intentional. I go on about my shopping, playing it cool because they say women kind of get turned off by a guy who runs to them too quickly making them look desperate and needy. Shortly after this encounter I went to checkout my items out and she came out of the office, exchanged a few words with the cashier I was on line with then passed me to my right and began singing, lightly but enough for me to hear. My thoughts were, ‘ Ok. Game on. She’s definitely working to get my attention and I’m noticing.” So I go back the following Wednesday and pretty much the same thing. She’s walking about the store smiling, singing, etc. and a couple of times I glanced at her and made sure I made it obvious to her. However, when I went to check out I didn’t see her until the cashier was ringing my stuff and she was in the back where the chicken is displayed and she was singing a little louder, flipping her hair around wildly, and so on and appeared to be happy. Again, I wanted to play it cool and not look desperate. I went again the following Wednesday and her attitude was much different. When I first walked in I seen her to my left by the registers straightening out the items on display. Very quickly after she noticed me I seen her walking to the stock room and she stayed there for maybe 6,7 minutes or so. She came out and was walking around busy as she usually is and didn’t appear as perky as usual. Anyhow, I was on the aisle where the sugar is, stopped and said to myself, ” Do I need sugar? Um, yeah I’ll grab a bag.” And in just those few seconds I think she dropped out of the ceiling on a steel cable like Jane Bond and she was 6 feet in front of me placing an item back on the shelf, glanced at me from the corner of her right eye, turned, walked away and then took a second glance at me over her left shoulder. A few minutes later, she was at the chicken section as I came around the end of the aisle and she was wiping down one of the shelves, glanced at me from her right eye, put the rag down, turned walked away and went into the office. So I went to check out my items and she came out within 2 1/2 minutes, walked through the people in front of me on line, glancing multiple times from her left eye and walked towards the back of the store. The following Wednesday again I went in but couldn’t get there until a little later than usual and she wasn’t there. So I go in again yesterday and the same thing. She didn’t make it obvious but I caught her glancing from the corners of her eyes.
Many would say, ” Oh, cut your loses and move on,” and that’s what I’ve done with others in the past seeing afterwards I wasn’t really attracted to them after all. But I believe there’s a soulmate for everyone and I think that’s the big picture many people see right past because they’re too busy focusing on playing all sorts of games, men and women alike. But in this situation I feel like I can’t let it go. I have a particular preference in what I look for in a woman with certain characteristics, and they are:
1. She’s Spanish.
2. She’s almost if not as tall as me.
3. Slight olive tone to her complexion.
4. Slender, as approximately the same to me.
5. Jet black hair.
6. Nails done that extend slightly beyond her fingertips, polished red.
Now, I didn’t take notice of this much earlier while shopping where she works until I picked up on her flirting signs and that made me look more closely at her, and I probably didn’t notice earlier because I wasn’t expecting to meet anyone or trying to because when I look around the Northern New Jersey area where I live that’s heavily populated, I see women all around me who do not fit the description I mentioned above and do not wish to settle for what ever I can get like a past friend of mine did and ended being unhappy. But when I locked my eyes on her, I took notice that she fits the characteristics to a perfect T. I can’t find anything wrong with her. It’s like someone who knows this took body parts,custom assembled her for me and she fell right into my world. I’m 44 years old and this is the first time in my life this has ever happened to me, but like I said, I’m a little confused over her sudden difference in behavior, first she drops a few hints of interest then acts the opposite but sneaks glances at me from the corners of her eyes which if a woman is not or lost interest would not do even once, let alone multiple times. The catch is, everything happened so quick in such a short time that I didn’t even get a chance to start a single conversation with her. And now it’s more difficult to do so because of her sudden behavior change. Any advice you can give, I would greatly appreciate your time if you respond back. Thanks.
Wow! What an incredibly long story. You should have put more time, energy and effort in just saying hello. She’s not playing mind games. She’s just flirting.
Yes. Often, guys mistake flirting with mind games, and it could be a devastating mistake.
I have a girl who just tried to make me jealous at the club the other night. Now me and her are not together but we have dated in the past and we still talk. How do I handle this one ?
Don’t fuck her!
Don’t sleep with her. Pay attention to her friends more than her. And don’t forget to use fractionation on her.
I don’t have time for woman who play games. They either like me and show it or they get out of my life.
100% agree. This is yet another ridiculous western concept!
Exactly like what you said, I do not have time for women who like to play mind games. You beat them simply by not participating in those silly games.
I think women who are worthy and smart enough to play mind games to check what they are getting (instead of just going with some dumb guy) will have time for you.
Not necessarily. Women don’t know what’s good for them (and what’s not) – otherwise they won’t be playing mind games with guys.
Final thought: The surest way to beat a woman’s mind games is through Fractionation.