Don’t you hate it when your girlfriend suddenly takes control and becomes the dominant one in the relationship? Well, who doesn’t?
I won’t beat around the bush here. If you’re desperately wanting to find out how to control and dominate women at this point, then this means that may already be facing some pretty huge problems with your woman.
Don’t worry, though, for your pals here have got you covered. Continue reading and you’ll find out how to fight back.
Before that, though, I’ll need to break this news to you…
If your girlfriend is already taking control and assuming dominance over you, it’s already the beginning of the end of the relationship.
(I don’t mean to scare you, but it’s true. I’ve seen that happen so many times over my career as a life and dating coach here at the Baltimore Seduction Lair.)
Are you already be seeing these tell-tale signs?
- She decides on most things: from the trivial (“the toilet seat STAYS DOWN”) to the important (“we are going to raise TWO KIDS and home-school them”).
- She automatically assumes that you will follow her decisions without question.
- You think that it’s “OK” for her to dictate what you do because you want her to be happy.
- You can’t plan ahead on anything without asking her.
- Her emotional well-being is ahead of everything (including your own.)
- She plays mind games on you.
- She makes nonsensical requests and gets you to jump through hoops… just for the heck of it.
If any (or all!) of those situations describe you, it means that you’ve been pussywhipped, plain and simple.
Worse, you may get infatuated by dominant females (it’s a known fetish!) and get your judgment clouded by your infatuation. You’ll soon realize that these women are actually insulting and heartless.
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Look. I may come across as a male chauvinist here, but frankly, I don’t give a shit. The truth needs to be told! You, as a man, shouldn’t allow women to dominate you at all.
And no, it doesn’t matter whether you’re only starting to know her, or if you’re already dating her for years, or if you’ve been married to her for donkey years. It’s irrelevant.
Instead, you should make her see that you wear the pants in the relationship and that she can never take that control away from you, period.
Do you agree?
Before we start, it’s absolutely crucial to understand this, so pay attention!
This guide is not one of those bullshit “read and then forget” self-help articles that litter around the Internet today. You’ll do yourself no good if you’re just going to skim through this material and then do nothing about it.
That said, if you follow everything inside this guide then your success with women is virtually guaranteed. It has worked for thousands of our members in the Baltimore Seduction Lair, and it will work for you, too – no exceptions.
There’s one tiny snag though…
Given the amount of details in this guide, it’s almost impossible to remember everything once you’re done reading it.
Members of the Baltimore Seduction Lair get access to an Action Checklist in our library which contains every technique inside this guide in simple, step-by-step format. This way, before they use these techniques on the woman that they want to control or dominate, they’ll leaf through the document just to be sure that they don’t miss out a step or two.
Do you want this Action Checklist for yourself?
Download the PDF version here:-
Get it – you’ll like it, I promise.
There’s one minor condition attached to the free download though, and it’s this –
Once you’ve downloaded it, kindly avoid sharing this document with anyone… especially on social media! I’m tired of battling feminazis on Facebook who’d threaten to cut my testicles off for publishing this information.
Agree? Great. Let’s start!
How To Control Your Girlfriend: Obey This ONE Rule
When a man gets attracted to a woman, he tends to fall into this phase where they constantly ask her for permission before doing anything.
This is completely natural at this stage, because you want to please her and make her happy.
Unfortunately, asking for permission all the time will degrade your image in the eyes of women and they will end up respecting you less because of it.
So here’s the GOLDEN rule that you must obey if you want to control your girlfriend –
Make your own decisions – however big or small.
Never ask her for her opinions. And I don’t care what the subject matter is.
Of course, this doesn’t stop her from telling you what she thinks even without you asking…
… and when this happens, just be indifferent.
You can also amp it up one notch and ask her (in a playful way), “Did I ask for your opinion?”
Naturally, you may have doubts over your decisions from time to time. But guess what? Her opinion, as you already know, may not be helpful at all.
Ultimately, realize that it’s better to be WRONG than to come across as INDECISIVE. Remember that!
Manipulate Her Emotional Weaknesses
Have you ever wondered why women seem to behave so irrationally, and can be completely unpredictable at certain times?
Well, here’s the answer:
There are certain vulnerabilities which are hard-wired inside the female psyche which make them behave like that.
And because they have no control over these vulnerabilities, they have no control over their irrational and unpredictable behavior as well.
Makes sense?
Here’s the good news:
You can exploit these vulnerabilities in order to gain the upper hand and “brute force” a woman to surrender to you willingly and unconditionally.
I’ll show you how you can do just that, but for now, it’s important to understand this –
A woman’s biggest psychological vulnerability is that she lets her emotions dictate her behavior and actions.
This means that if you have a strong understanding of how the female mind works, you’ll be able to literally snap your fingers and make a woman surrender to your dominance and authority. Yes, it can be that easy!
And guess what: the ability to understand (and exploit!) a woman’s psychological vulnerabilities is now yours for the taking. By using Mind Control techniques on a woman, you’ll tap into these vulnerabilities and exploit them for your benefit like a seasoned pro.
For a free primer on how to use Mind Control on women, watch this Masterclass conducted by Derek Rake –
Give that a go. Seriously, it will change your life, and I am not saying that lightly.
Flex Those Emotional Muscles
Fact: the experienced seducer makes all of the decisions in life and learns how to lead instead of following others.
Be strong enough to stick to the decisions that you make. After all, IT DOESN’T MATTER IF YOUR DECISIONS TURN OUT TO BE RIGHT OR WRONG.
Seducing a woman takes a lot of heart and a lot of (emotional, not only physical) strength.
Have a strong backbone and avoid asking for too much advice from other people just to justify your choices.
Flex those emotional muscles!
Even better: turn it up one notch and use the “Reverse LJBF” technique on her and see her squirm. This tactic is found on Page 7 of the Action Checklist which you can
.How To Control Women: Say A Firm “No”
On that note, you have to learn how to say “no” to women more often. If you want to get out from under her trap and stop her domination over you, you have to say “no” every once in a while (or more frequently if you want).
Heck, do it even it makes you look unreasonable. Remember: it’s fine to be a fucking jerk once in a while – in fact, as you may have already known, for some reason, women seem to prefer jerks over nice guys. Makes sense, right?
Make no mistake about it. Here’s what will happen if you don’t do this –
She will automatically assume that you are easy to control and after that, she will completely lose respect for you. And guess what… it’s almost a lost cause when you’ve reached that stage. And you certainly don’t want that to happen, right?

Challenge Yourself
With no exceptions, every man has his own set of weaknesses (yes, even a master of the universe like Arnold Schwarzenegger).
What makes a man remarkable is that he succeeds in spite of his weaknesses.
So here’s what you have to do…
Learn how to challenge your weaknesses, so that women won’t be able to take advantage of those weaknesses once they start to date you.
Respect and appreciate yourself as a whole and take pride in who you are while you’re at it. After all, nobody can dominate you without your consent. Agree?
And guess what – I will be lynched by feminists when I say this, but I don’t care.
The truth is that women will only choose to dominate men who complain about their weaknesses, who always seek for female approval, who are tentative about whatever they do, and who constantly talk about what they lack in life.
If you’re getting bullied, stop and fight back.
Take a stand and always be decisive from now on. This way, you will be the one who will be dominant in your relationship with women at all times. You would certainly want that, yes?
How To Use Fractionation To Dominate Women
Many guys turn up at our doorstep with one common problem – that they have been pussywhipped by the women that they are dating.
And when they are already in the “damage zone”, they are in drastic need for quick fixes.
Here’s how we help them: most of the time we get them to go through what we call the ultimate “SIBG shock therapy”. This consists of a “boot camp” where they’ll learn and master the Fractionation technique.
With Fractionation, guys learn how to control their girlfriends (and wives) and regain the dominant position in the relationship. Using this technique, they are able to “hack” into their girlfriends’ psyche and covertly plant thoughts inside their minds. Pretty amazing!
And of course, Fractionation is not for everybody, and we are mindful of the fact that there are psychos out there who misuse this technique to harm women.
(I will never condone anyone using our knowledge base for malicious purposes.)
Below is a link to the online Masterclass (conducted by Derek Rake) on how to use Fractionation to seduce women and put them under your control and dominance.
More details are in the link below, but IF YOU HAVE BAD INTENTIONS AGAINST WOMEN THEN DO NOT CLICK THE LINK. We cannot be responsible with what you choose to do with this information. Thank you for understanding.
Watch Free Fractionation Masterclass (Now Playing)
If you have any questions, enter your comments below. Don’t email me as I am currently overwhelmed with requests and will not be able to answer you. I keep my inbox small at only 10Mb in order to keep sane!
Excellent. I love!
This is absolutely repulsive – ‘this way, you will be able to dominate and control women at all times’? The person who wrote this sounds like a member of the Taliban, the kind of person who would stone a woman to death for marrying one of her own choice. Woman are not pet dogs, and it is crossing a line to write an article about dominating them. In Oman, the showers have blinds, so the men can watch their wives bathe. Once again, repulsive. I am absolutely disgusted that this is being publicly shown on the internet, and will file a complaint on this website and others, in order to remove information of such sexual bigotry.
Excellent information, I like it. To those who think otherwise, lol that’s your own way of thinking & l respect that!
I’d urge the SIBG team to ignore the critics. As from me, a loyal and grateful fan, good job well done.
# thumbs up
I just stumbled upon this website while doing a Google search and I loved every minute of reading the website. The great thing is that it attracts more haters every day, which is a good thing (because free advertisement). Haters are gonna hate, but they also do something else and spread the message to their friends and their friend’s friends.
I’ve got to completely agree with this. Let’s face it – women hate WIMPY men. So, why blame us for doing the thing you want – being DOMINANT?
Absolutely spot on.
No, not all women want “dominant” guys… but I’ll admit that I want one! (I’m a woman BTW)
Will this guide invite more sexual discrimination and hating on women though? ;p
Hi there! Actual real life woman here! It’s a huge turn on for me if a guys is willing to be emotionaly open with me, let me hold him, and even *gasp* make my own decisions. That’s why my “wimpy” boyfriend who doesn’t mind being the little spoon is getting laid every night and you all are looking for hope in a site that tells you to repress your humanity and be a brainless testosterone robots. Hate to break it to you, but that is only gonna hurt yourself and cause you real harm. Do yourself (and everyone else) a favor by manning up and accepting that having emotions doesn’t make you weak.
Feminist snowflakes triggered! Come, everyone, point and laugh at her!
Be honest, he isn’t getting laid every night anymore. Maybe at first to land him but now his weakness repels you. Every women eventually gets bored with a lap dog.
Unfortunately, this never occures and as the writer of article implies ( and so does my personal experience) women attitude toward men is driven from their sub-concious weaknesses. Any time I forget this universal law, I get pussywipped! Good guys are more than enough for women. Being rude and acting like stone-age guys always works not because it is good or bad; it is hard-wired in women’s genetics.
Coming from a girl, I’m into that kinky shit and I want to be treated like a slave. I love the abusive shit and love when my man is dominating over me. I haven’t had a boyfriend yet that is dominant with me. This website really helps me understand what u want. Cause I don’t like my men nice, I like them rough and rude to me and shit. Like I know there are guys out there that are submissive and that’s ok. But girls like it when guys are dominant. For an example, I love my men controlling, like always wanting to know where I am and have to be with him all day, no looking at boys. That makes me feel good because I feel protected because of him.
looking for dominance
I’m sure by now you’ve already found it. There are too many dom men on this site to let a submissive woman go without the authority and strength she seeks. Or, you may be in a relationship with a wimp. If so he needs to be let go. Once you find a dom whom you feel subservient toward, let him know. Obey his suggestions and serve him without being told. He will get the message. Then when you are safe and ready, tell him you adore his strength and decisiveness. Let him know you are unhappy being the leader. You Kathie, were born to follow, obey and serve!
Women play mind games, so why can’t we?
Um im a female and a little confused. I agree with equality, but im getting mixed messages. Should it be fully equal or do men get certain privlages? Im not hating on the article, i just want to know what to think. Should i obey without question or can i input sometimes? Just want advice. How should i act? Thanks
What you said is disgusting. It makes me sick to see men talk the way you do. People like you belong in the same category as fast food and reality shows. I don’t know if you’re American, but those are a few symtoms of America along with men losing their manhood. Men give women far too much control and being the dominate one in the relationship brings balance. Life is balance. It’s yin and yang. Not yin and yin. Doesn’t have a thing to do with bathing in Oman or Taliban. I don’t condone treating a person like a pet, but birds sing, lions roar, and a man needs to be a man. I hope to god, you don’t spread your cancerous way of thinking to future generations. Not everything is 100% fair for women yet, but they don’t need your “white knight” BS. At least give them the respect to decide if they wan’t a dominate man or not. Ask most women and you’ll find your answer quick. if they don’t…it’s 2014 and there are other options. But don’t disrespect women like they can’t make their own decisions. This article did nothing to disrespect women. However, your comments did.
Trevor, well said!
I love SIBG, and Matt’s stuff is solely responsible for the happy relationship that I am having with my girlfriend now. She loves it when I take control of things. Matt preaches gospel!
Screw all the haters. All hail SIBG!
Ignore the haters. Pick what works for you. Who can argue with success?
Hi there – woman here. I’d just like to say that whoever who uses these techniques should burn in hell. I’ve been a victim to these techniques and they work, but that’s not the point here. If you love a woman, you won’t do this to her. Please… come to your senses, guys.
Evolution might ruin your desire to dominate little girls…then again, it might not
I am a young women and love everything this website is saying. All women want a man to take charge and lead. I’m 26 years old and wish men and women knew their role in life, and not let social media make women believe they are men and have some men believe they are women. Give your your girl/wife rules she long for them
You’re 26, and stupid. You have no aim, and want someone to make your life easier by telling you what to do. Grow up, little girl.
It’s not for you to judge a 26 inexperience little girl that she is stupid. Give her time to go through what she has to go through in life, with experience….she will one day be herself.
Speak for yourself. I am a dominant woman and I would be absolutely furious with a man thinking he makes the rules because that’s how “traditional” relationships. I absolutely do NOT long for a man making rules for me. I live for a submissive man listening to me. The complete opposite of what you’re saying, trying to speak for all woman. Keep your thoughts to yourself if you’re going to try to misinform men that all women crave to be dominated.
*drops mic*
How foolish is it for the weaker vessel (weaker sex) to want to dominate the stronger sex?
“To the woman he said, “I will make your pains in childbearing very severe; with painful labor you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.” Genesis 3:16 (First book in the Bible)
I would advise you fools not to question your Creator’s plans.
If that were true, who’s the lucky submissive nice guy who got to go with you for meeting your criteria?
Doc, this has nothing to do with your dumb religion
You are clueless. If you want to be controlled then you need serious help.
Yep. You’re definitely an idiot. You speak for you alone; not all women. And you know what? Once he’s bored with you,and how could he possibly not be given your feeble mentality, you’ll definitely be toast. I’d guess you’re a lot closer to getting dumped than you think!
You have more intelligence in that comment than most. 26 or not. At least you can recognize truth and not drown in lies and misinformatiion
I’ve dominated before, but the woman ended up breaking too many rules. I’m in a new friendship/relationship, read this, and it’s already working. Thanks for the refresher course. I see good things coming.
Now checking out the Fractionation masterclass. Good stuff!
Stop whining you wimp!
Trevor falls under the pussy whipped category
All the bitches he’s talking about, it’s the very woman like you!, of course you’re pissed off at him, he’s touching your female controlling, dominant wannabe a man busting my balls Nerve!,, Yeah, that’s right, that’s you bitch+
Women do want to be dominated. They know that they were made FOR man and not the other way around. This feminist movement does nothing but deceive women into thinking that they need to have control, yet they become enslaved by their bosses who take advantage of them. Or the system that forces them to murder their babies.
A man MUST be dominant. We do rule the earth, women should always be subject to their own husbands. Its the way God designed it to be. Anything other than that is misery
You do know that the bible was written by a bunch of dead males at a time when women were stoned to death for wearing 2 fabrics at once, don’t you? The fact that you can all write stuff like this about women is degrading not only to women but also to the men who respect women. Women are not there for you to control, they are there for you to get along with. If you go around like a conceited ass all the time, you will become pretty unpopular with women as a whole. Feminism is not a way of women thinking they have control, it is a way of equalising the world. Women aren’t the only feminists!
You do know the bible is fact. Their is not 1 thing written in it that can be proven false. There are also many things written in it at a time when science had not proven things and the population did not understand things that stated facts about the world accurately and correctly.
Feminism has nithing to do with equality. Feminism is about women trying to take control and be better than men.
Equality is about equality.
Funny thing tho.
Equality and fairness do not exist. They can not exist. Balance is not created by drawing a single line across existance and expecting everything to fall within it.
Balance is created by an equal number to varying degrees of high/low, positive/negative, dominant/submissive etc.
Is it fair for a unborn baby to be murdered (we even give it a nice new name.. fetus and abortion so we feel better) because its mother is a drunk slut and does not want it?
There are thousands of varying examples I could give for this.
You can not have 2 people trying to be equal in a relationship. One will always be more dominant. One must be more dominant really.
It is mans role to be dominant. That does not mean abusive or in some way bad…. it can be excellent since that is the natural design. Fighting to be something you were never intended to be is dysfunctional in the extreme
The Bible is a fact? Ha ha! Nice joke!
John Mason & J are both correct. I know my role and am honored to serve my man. He is my center, my guide, my leader, my protector, my lover. I know what he needs from me and when he wants it, there is no hesitation on my part. I don’t tell him I have a headache, or I’m tired. I want to satisfy his sexual desires, let’s not pretend that’s not in the Bible. We are not to deny him unless we are sick or we mutually agree. I get on my knees with great anticipation.
U r definitely The guy who is controlled by female like a dog
And *you’re the type of ass that thinks women are below men. Shut your cum trap.
Remove this ignorant woman’s comments.
Ignorant is you, your name, your family name and your dad for not using a condom!
Dude or dudette, we didn’t make the rules. Men are the dominate species because God made us that way. The truth is, women want it that way. It’s the candy ass liberals who are making society week, people aren’t all equal, and there are only two genders!
Get over it!
I don’t trust stories that claim to be fact when they say that snakes can talk and eat dirt. I’m dominant, and if the man doesn’t like it, he can suck it.
This doesn’t make him my slave, or “pussywhipped” just as a submissive woman isn’t “dickwhipped” Have a good one.
Someone lied to you
being dominated sexually is the best, you just lay there while she does all the work
LOL. How true!
James, people like you are bigots too. You expect everyone to think exactly the way you think, because any other way is wrong and sick. You’re a fascist dictator and you don’t even know it.
I use a technique like Fractionation because it’s beneficial to me primarily, but my girlfriend loves it. Our relationship is stronger now with me in the driving seat.
Guys, do yourself a favor. Stop being a lily-livered pussy. Learn Fractionation.
I had my doubts, but I had since (very gingerly) used the techniques above and fractionation, and gawd, it really worked.
David Hershley from Glenville
Chill out Francis.
So then why come to this website dickhead, Take your white knight crap somewhere else your obviously taking what the article was about to another level. I bet you didn’t even read it.
Some women like to be dominated, moron!
Some men like to be dominated, moron!
You will never be lucky enough to truly be loved, cared for and respected by a woman because she lives YOU. Just make sure your pockets are deep, you’re young as and in shape. Because only a man whose dick is as long as big as his pinky has to feel like he can get away with treating wom r n like this. Youll get what you deserve. She’ll find some adorable hot young buff cute guy who knows how tobkaugh and enjoy some fun with her. But honey trust me, these girl ads are way ahead of your BS. Do you really think young beautiful women want to hear what you really have to say…..nope! What about sleeping with you, you’re not any good in the sack. That’s what her boy toys for….dumbass. Get a clue!
I’m not sure if you’re speaking English or Ebonics, but I’ll give you some hope and choose the former. It’s common that unhappy women come to this website and attack it with overwhelming (and predictable) irrational behaviors, but at least have your grammar legible enough to be able to receive the hate letter when read. In other words, you just went full retard. Never go full retard. It’s hard enough to comprehend stupidity, but when you write Ebonics and go full retard, that’s a whole other level of wow.
Looooool @SouthernBeast
SPOT ON, SPOT ON! Lisa, I understand unique and different parts of the world have a particular tendency of using their own versions of slang, but while we converse over the Internet may you refrain from using such abbreviations. I also understand that you have strong feelings that oppose the topics covered in this article, but as you know we do have the right to express our opinions without being discriminated against for them. Please, do us all a favor and return to your boring life as a single woman who attempts to dominate and control every man she has a chance at dating. Go on with treating him unfairly and forcing him to assist and complete your every desire.. Because according to you and every other fembot, men were created for the sole enjoyment and entertainment of all women on earth and thereof. Do me a favor Lisa… KYS
I really wish the Internet is free from stuff like this. Question yourself, Matt – you may be helping the guys, but what happens to the women you use these techniques on?
My head really got messed up the last time a guy used these tricks on me (now that you told me, it was very similar to what you call “fractionation”). I don’t wish this on my worst enemy… it screwed with my head for years.
Please, stop.
Shut up Jessica.
Dress decently and be deferential to your man who is your Divinely appointed head.
Its funny you think their looks makes a difference in what they want to hear…
what about old ugly women?
The same douchenozzel
And most women are attracted to dominance in some way…because evolutionary, dominance gets her and her offspring fed at the expense of a competitor.
The question is this: do you have the objective status to back up the image you constructed in her mind?
So we know who the article’s talking about now! LOL!
You don’t like it don’t read it. Find a man who will bend over backwards for you while you sleep with one of his friends.
Or me because I can’t be bothered to be her primary
Dude, even women know that dating is a power struggle and a game. They want us to dominate them. They will test you to see if you can handle them. In every relationship somebody wears the pants. Make sure if you’re a guy, its you.
James. Chill out. Women Like to be dominated. It’s a Fact
@Dsk71 –
No… and HELL NO! Women do not like to be dominated. James is right on. We are ALL created equal. Did your Dad taught you wrong? I wonder where these morons come from.
Guys, grow up…you are watching porn, degrading women and thinking women are like that. NO, in fact it’s against the law. Divorce rates are high because of your backward ways of thinking. Women like guys to open the doors for them, only to be nice, and NOT to be controlled, freaks!
Then answer me this: how come every over-confident asshole gets more women than nice, intelligent men?
I have to ask… If we are, in fact, created equally then why do you expect men to open doors for YOU?
Men are the dominant species and their’s no way women can take that part. I as a woman understand my role in the society. Women can never be equal to men
Uhmmm…. Opening the door for your girlfriend / wife = Male dominance. It signifies that she is the weaker sex and requires the assistance of a man, who is superior, yet gentle towards her.
Sexual equality would require the woman to open the door for her boyfriend / husband every other time, since they are now equal to one another, hence no help is required from a dominant party. She then should not seek emotional support from her man, as her girl friends would be equally able to give her the support she needs.
Your theory of equality destroys the co-dependence of man and woman and introduces the confusion of same-sex relationships and gender confusion, along with lack of purpose and fulfillment for and through each other as a couple.
Dominance does not equate to men being abusive or kink and fetish of beating women with whips, that is something entirely different.
Being created equal. Does NOT mean. Being created the same.
Make and female are not the same.
We are equal in judgement before God. In accordance with our own unique person.
We are not the same. We do not think the same. We do not share the same roles. Yes, there are and should be separate gender roles. We are not built the same. We do not have the same strengths and weaknesses.
Agreed. Dominant men in the world are not where humans need to go to make the world a better place. The only reason some women put up with that crap is because they’ve been brainwashed for centuries by the conservative christian agenda. Evolve, people. I can say wholeheartedly that if a man is in my life trying to dominate at all costs he is getting the boot! Men need to learn to submit, not plow forward like unthinking heathens.
If a man in your life “tries to dominate you” then he gets the boot? And when you want to dominate him then should he give you the boot then? Hypocrite!
I’m a heathen and I’m offended by the suggestion that we don’t think.
Well said Tiff! thanks.
You say, “men need to submit!”. So, you simply want to reverse this philosophy. There are submissive men, sure. Just as there are submissive women. That is their choice, what feels right for them. I enjoy calling the shots and my spouse told me, given a choice between being dom or sub, she’d choose sub every time and that’s in and out of bed. A ship has only one captain otherwise there is chaos and ultimately disaster. One person in a relationship is usually in charge. I have noticed this with my friends. When there is an attempt at a 50/50 relationship, there is feuding, resentment, and that constant battle over things. And eventually the relationship disintegrates. Let each couple decide what is best for themselves. Our marriage is good because we both are comfortable in our roles and respectful of the others feelings. “Live and let live!” Criticism is easy, understanding and acceptance are more difficult.
Shut up. You just wanna complain because men are outsmarting women.
Says a retard with Big Dick Brody as his name when universally it’s established that average girls are smarter than average guys in general!
Coming from a girl, I’m into that kinky shit and I want to be treated like a slave. I love the abusive shit and love when my man is dominating over me. I haven’t had a boyfriend yet that is dominant with me. This website really helps me understand what u want. Cause I don’t like my men nice, I like them rough and rude to me and shit. Like I know there are guys out there that are submissive and that’s ok. But girls like it when guys are dominant. For an example, I love my men controlling, like always wanting to know where I am and have to be with him all day, no looking at boys. That makes me feel good because I feel protected because of him.
Idiot, you can’t comprehend a simple article.
So I am a 21 year old guy who is engaged to be married. My fiancee told me dominating or controlling her in every day life really turns her on… My point being, some women love want to be dominated and controlled.
Screw political correctness. Domination + Control is the way of life!
And you’ve been divorced for how long now?
Why are you itching for a fight? No one is trying to force another person to do what is abhorrent to them. Sometimes a man or woman needs to be eased into their desired, primary role. Why? Because those who think they must sit in judgement, have made them feel embarrassed for what nature has given them. We don’t chose our proclivities, we simply come to realize they are a part of us. I accept that you don’t share this lifestyle. However, your judgement and ridicule is distasteful and better suited to a haters blog.
I fucking disagree, I don’t like that shit and I’m a girl not all girls want that. I want to be abused and shit come on now, not every girl wants to be treated like a queen
Thank you, James for having a brain.
I agree with everything you said.
As a woman, I actually find the kind of ” little men” to be extremely repulsive. They are so weak because a person who tries to dominate another is just an insecure wuss who is trying to feel better about himself.
Women are not your objects or toys, you retard. And they don’t owe you or little men like you anything. Sure, there are some women out there who are happy being doormats to losers like you, but those women are either brain washed by stuff like the Shogun Method, are raised to not use their minds, or are put up with the likes of you because they are so desperate for a man and to be accepted that they prefer to take the easier way out and not have thoughts and opinions of their own.
Women of character and brains don’t like to be dominated by men. Period.
Yeah, and you probably pee sitting down!
LOL! Peeing sitting down is actually proven to have many health benefits. So the joke’s on you, you sexist male chauvinist pig!
Wrong. Why just talk out of your ass without knowing what you are talking about? Just do a simple google search it isn’t like this subject hasn’t been studied thoroughly. Roughly 65% of women admit (when polled anonymously) to a desire to be dominated by a strong, competent and loving man. And the true number is probably even higher.
Dominant = Loving Stewardship
Domineering = Asshole
Big difference.
It’s better if you just go and read something else my friend. Women have been dominating men for ages. Not only. Now they have got a movement who encourages them to do so with the blessings of the state too! I prefer to be a Taliban then to be dominated by a woman … whoever she might be. It’s better that they realize where their true place lie in this life of ours and stop putting civilization at the risk of perish continuously, day by day, only for the boys of today to have to shed their bloods again to rebuild the nation once again. You are a pussy not a man! Living like an effeminate man seems OK for you. It’s your fucking birth right to do the decisions in a relationship, obviously, taking into full consideration her very interests as well. But that is your job as a man as it is your fucking God damn job to bring bread to the table not hers!!! When is this spineless westernised effeminate estrogenified male going to learn?!!
Every human being on the planet is a manipulator. It is a fact of life that every single person tries to manipulate those around them. If you buy a girl 24 red roses you are trying to persuade her to like you. That is straight manipulation because your action is eliciting a certain response regardless of the shroud of romanticism it is wrapped in. A woman will happily take all you have and then leave you high and dry. They will justify this by using phrases like “I didn’t ask you to” or “We arent in a commitment”. “Im not your woman” is another good one…how about when a woman you’ve gone out of your way to court gives mixed signals and even dates other guys like its nothing going so far as to ignore you in favor of the other guy. Lol she will however still allow your sorry ass to take her to dinner and dote on her although she has no intention of giving in to you. Even in relationships women are master manipulators. They withold sex..they naturally and ruthlessly utilize the no contact rule…every single thing you are ranting about and calling immoral is something women do on a daily basis to men. So untuck yourself and get out from under the maxipad of oppression. Any woman who denies this is a liar or do it so naturally they don’t even give it a second thought..
If a girl “withholds” sex, well god gave you hands. Use them. Women aren’t under an obligation to fuck you because you bought them flowers. If you don’t like that, stop buying flowers for them. Don’t want to be dominated by women? Then don’t. That doesn’t mean you have to be a dick and boss her around though.
You got it party right. Nobody has to have sex with you so if they don’t want to, show them the curb and find a better partner who is actually attracted to you and WANTS to have sex with you. If you have to ask for sex you might as well just buy hookers.
He certainly gets this partly wrong but that’s just because he is trying to sell a product. You can be dominant without being domineering or manipulative. And every partner I’ve had loves it. All women love it, whether they admit it or not (most likely because they have never been with a strong, dominant man who knows what he is doing so they don’t know what they are missing).
I agree with you. Guys shouldn’t do this to women… it’s really scary.
Thank you, James. The techniques ARE repulsive. However, if they were not presented here, I would not have learned about them. And, yes, I am certain that the same kind of crap is easily accessible for women, no… strike that, females.
A “Woman” has matured past the games of manipulation. A “Woman” has integrity, is genuine and a team player. A “Smart Woman” researches such topics as this, to keep informed. Knowledge IS power.
Fractionation is EVIL. No doubt about that.
Yeah, women never manipulate men. What planet are you living on?
Highly seconded!
Thank you and well said!
Lol. Your dumb.
You sound like one of thise psycho women using a masculine name
You’re a pussy.
Males of all species play a certain role, to take the lead , be firm and dominant but to also show affection to a woman, if your not In charge and show that you genuinely care , you will lose out … not saying Control your woman, but take the lead and show her you will do anything at all costs for her…
Put her where she belongs if she tries to take advantage of you physically.
Guy who posted above me is a crybaby.
This is the mindset that clearly screams MEN ARE BETTER THAN WOMEN. Not taken into consideration that women are still being raped and blamed for it, all the derogatory cuss words are female based. This world gets more inhumane with this male dominating type thinking, you’re certainly not making the world a better place for others, just for your selfish greedy self.
It is you as a woman who are inviting all the abuse. It is only yourself that you have to blame and that is because you are swallowing the lies and perversions of feminism and comparing man with woman as you are doing right now, in your message. Whereas we have different roles and we should each of us be proud of that. But no. You as a woman have been belittled by a hideous movement to think that being a woman, that acting feminine is inferior. It is only you that you have to blame. Women and men are EQUALLY important but no one is better than the other. It is like the engine and the gearbox of a car. Which is better? None of them. Are they equal? No. They cannot be compared. They belong to different categories. But they are equally important. You see: without either the car would not function. Why don’t you organise a mass protest against feminist ideologies whose only target is to use women and men so that the dying economies of the west may somehow linger longer? C’mon, wake up!!! Is it possible that you are not realising that the myth of the modern women is just an excuse being used by a few who rule the media so that they continue to flourish while us, workers continue to slave away for them? Why can’t you see that?
Fuck this shit !!
Just more female manipulation in the comment above. Lol notice how the topic at hand which is seduction is being dumped into the same category as rape and abuse…not one man here has mentioned either men being better thsn women..or abuse..or rape. It took a woman to bring all that up in a desperate attempt to demonize the subject matter in order to protect women’s monopoly in the mind game department.
Thank you! Totally agree with you!
Not necessarily, it doesnt say men are better then women, but every relationship I’ve seen, (not mine, have only had one partner whole life and still going ) where the woman is in control, she ends up cheating or it doesnt last because she ends up with another guy that treats her like shit.
The person above is right. I don’t know what type of world the writer of this How To article lives in, but this is the damn 21st century. Women can be what they want to be Submissive or Dominant. They are not items to be controlled over and they do have a mind of their own.
You misunderstand the intention of the website, it’s to help men become more confident in attracting women and has nothing to do with oppressing a woman’s precious “rights.” It’s to teach men skills in the art of courtship and dating rituals. No one is controlling anyone, so I don’t know where you think women are being controlled. Women are free to react accordingly to how well a man seduces her, nothing more, nothing less. It’s a win-win situation for both parties.
Domination is about taking power away from the dominated
You were never items which men controlled!!! You have it all wrong! You were forced to believe that by a cancerous movement called feminism!! Do some real research and you would know that what is being called a fight for equality is not that but rather a fight for woman to be supreme to man. I challenge you to do some research REAL research that is. Well. So long that men without balls continue to be born, so long that the state continues with its project to neutralize what is masculine, you would be on the winning side. But there would always be those few who prefer to die rather than to bow down. State or no state. Doesn’t matter.
Well unfortunately maybe that is a reality here in the US because if I think about many other countries in the world women are not just items they do not even have rights. How about women getting burn with acid or so many other terrible things happening to them. It is not simply some men doing wrong but it is entire cultures who have been thinking of women as possessions. You do not think that is a lot of control? I grew up in a country were machismo is just seeing as normal and I could tell you that way of thinking is base on control and taking away rights. Having said that, I like to live here because I feel like I have rights and laws that protect me in this country against male control and abuse. Now if you ask me personally, that doesn’t mean I do not want to grant control and complete respect to a guy. It is true that some men are loosing their masculinity and now is the turn of women to learn to balance their control in the relations ship and work together for both to play their roles and bring happiness to each other. While I do not think is ok to encourage men to not provide for their wife and children I also think that there is nothing wrong with people being free to create their relationships based on whatever they want. I think every person has different boundaries and desires or needs and not all men want to be completely masculine. I think we used to impose masculinity and aggressiveness in them as well in the past. Masculinity and feminity are parts of all humans and are in different amounts on each one of us. Most women of course are always going to be less masculine but not all and same for men and masculinity. Something that is great, is that violence towards humans has decrease tremendously in the last five hundred years thanks to laws that protect women and children. If you are worry about the state taking control of all of us because guys are not vikings well, to be honest no person or group of people will ever hold all the power or even to hold too much power or for too long. Just by any natural law that we know exist no entity ever has hold power forever. Power is something that comes and goes no matter who you are or how many support you because sooner or later someone else will take it away at some point in time. Hittler one day was going to loose his power just as any empire has done through the course of history. Masculinity is not gonna disappear is just gonna find a balance no matter what the state does. Guys are gonna always have balls more or less masculine in their personalities. We all have to grow up to get what we want anyways!
Guys, let’s just take this information underground and away from the flames. Many guys (I’m one of them) are thankful to Matt and team for making us aware of techniques such as fractionation, etc. The truth is the fewer people who know this, the better it is for the rest of us!
Go do your own research ( or just a simple search online) and learn what feminism is first! Of course as an inhumane coward guy you wouldn’t want women to have equal rights as you and would prefer to have unjust advantages over half of this planet while using gender as an excuse! Pathetic! You owe some serious apology to all women and any guy out there who’s decent but is seen as the same pathetic “person” as you are!
I suspect you may be confusing 1st and 2nd wave feminism with 3rd and 4th wave (modern) feminism. The first waves were (mostly) about giving women more choices, which is great. 3rd and 4th wave, however, are about advancing cultural marxism. Which is bad for both men and women. In fact, probably worse for women.
You’re dialogue makes me sick.
Women are the masters of manipulation. Women manipulate men all the time using the same fractionation and value/devaluation methods. Women do it naturally which is why it also works so well on them. Women have a monopoly in the mind game department. Every single aspect of human life is based on manipulation.
Yes many women manipulate men out of their own issues and insecurities but just like some boys one day grow up to be real men, some women get mature too. It is a long process to have self growth for any individual. I can guaranty you that most women make those mistakes out of frustration and not because they are fundamentally evil. Guys can be jerks not because they are evil either but because learning to treat with respect your partner takes maturity. Maturity takes time because it hurts and takes understanding and trust. When women learn to stop manipulation they learn comprehension and then they get more love. Do not condemn all women for what it is just simply what every human goes through to learn about love.
James you ignorant pussy, he isnt saying lets stone women to death its just a guide to getting respect from your woman in a relationship. Its a fact, women like dominant and decisive men and not a snivelling little pussy like you. Grow some balls and remember the minute she is calling the shots you are done for..
Absolutely agree with you. Women like and are attracted to domineering men. Fact of life. James is in a world of his own it seems…
I get a lot of guff for being too intellectually dominating…average dominate males fly off the hing just being around me
YOU are in your own little world… what women want are respect, sensitivity, faithfulness, etc! Not control and dominance!
I, for one, want my boyfriend to obey me.
“want my boyfriend to OBEY ME”
Ah, I get now. You want a world where only women are allowed to dominate and control men. The truth comes out.
FRACTIONATION is for insecure misogynistic assholes. Any person who has an iota of critical thinking skills knows the damage an amateur can inflict which is why people are trained.
Hence, is your sad inferior male ego so fragile when confronted by an empowered woman that you would resort to this kind of manipulation?
In fact, the “mind fucking” of a Dom to its Sub is very common in the BDSM world and is done between two consenting adults that involve a loss of inhibition and an exploration of limits. Review the word CONSENTING. Fractionation is highly looked down upon by Dom’s in the BDSM world as it’s a non-consensual form of abuse which has resulted in many women being raped and permanently damaged.
I’m not sure what’s worse – the sad pathetic sick fucks who are actually considering using it, or the society that holds such little regard for women and their well-being.
I like how you don’t even understand the point of this website. I like how you don’t see that the owner of this websites says you shouldn’t uses these techniques of you are going to use them to hurt women, I like how you can’t grasp the simple evolutionary concept of how Men are known to be domineering over Women and this thread tends to go on forever. I like how you don’t understand that he didn’t say Women are less than Men, just that they perform different roles. You may say it’s just society norms and women can do what they want but the actual fact is, women will always be women and men wil always be men. Men are testosterone driven humans, control is their drug, if you can’t understand simple biology you can’t come and spew rubbish on the internet. Gender roles are important. Feminism is misunderstood by people like you.
The bible was written by men. All religious books were written by men. Rape, performed mostly by men. Child sex, guess who? Yes men. Female mutilation? men again. Wars, mm, who could that be? Men. Government, churches, finances. Men. Spanish Inquisition? Men. Control? Men. Slavery? Men. And where has it got you? Blaming women for all the things wrong in your shallow life. One day you will wake up.
Highly disagree with every single word you typed here! Not all women want arrogant shitty guys! As a woman myself, I couldn’t be more repulsed to see a guy trying to get close to me by being a dominate shit, not to mention that I wouldn’t tolerate even just a second of him trying to be “dominant” with me, that’s exactly what sends me the signal that he’s an unreliable narcissist prone to be abusive later on. I’m only attracted to sensitive guys. So, before commenting lies online maybe talk to one or two girls maybe?
Bro. You’re a legend.
Thank you!
Never say no to a woman. Let her walk all over you because she is a woman. You can’t do that or you’re abusive and a bad person.
The more laid she gets, the more she needs to hear no.
Let her understand that you bang her because she has tits, not because she is otherwise valuable.
You sound very mature as a partner! Sounds like women who think that men are just wallets. I imagine what kind of females you get with that kind of treatment. I find more value and respect for men who can get women that are actually challenging because they respect themselves. How about people treat with respect each other no matter what gender and people do not just use other people. Every individual has value and not using others will always get you more love and more fun without a doubt. Having respect for others is having respect for yourself. If you are a dominant male I do not see why submission can’t be granted with respect between two people.
And ladies and gents, this is the ballad of one “man” who will die alone and upon his death every single woman who knew him (if there were any!) celebrated and gave out free drinks considering that the world has become a better place!
Isnt that a bit harsh? I mean, sure you are the dominants but females are still people. Long ago our role was homemaker and child bearer and nothing else. But whilst we are female, we still want a connection. Even if your fucking a woman just because she has tits, at the very LEAST dont tell HER that. Sure, say no. But it doesnt always have to be no. Depends on the situation. Dont get me wrong i accept dominance over me but not from EVERY man
Haven’t had this good a laugh in a long time. Mutual respect? Pshaw! Sharing and support? Fiddlesticks! LOL. Here is what you are missing gentlemen – there are women who will tolerate this kind of treatment, but they are the damaged ones. The real alpha-males can spot a weak male by this type of dominance, because it shows fear and insecurity and an ability to only dominate women of lesser emotional stability. An emotionally healthy woman would not stay in this type of relationship, and would find a partner whose needs she could consider because hers were also being met. But good luck with this, according to Darwin you will weed yourselves out eventually. I, for one, will now go polish the many time-saving devices purchased for me by the pussy-whipped men in my life. Heh-he-he – you guys are so funny.
Can you choke on an 8″?
I will take those payments for your pussy too btw
Amen ! Janine, you are spot on!
Thank you Janine! Definitely agree with you! *thumbs up*
Wow! We have idiots posting and attacking this site for what is said. They called themselves Americans, association that with free speech. Yet! whenever someone speaks the hypocrite Dogs slander abuse and say only their point of view. Those are the one’s that closely resembles the group’s they call out. That is the type of control that has grown to this mutts. You should go back to the rock you crawled out from and stay there and die. So that the problems that have come upon society can be reverse and fixed hypocrite. Oh how is the website removal coming. Maybe you should join the millions of gay and lesbians and ban a site that talks man issues. Since your definitely not a man that deals with women.
The writer is a masculist, or Men’s Rights Activist.
Actually you’re incorrect in your term “masculist,” since it’s an adjective, not a noun. The correct term is masculinist. Also, masculinist is not the same as men’s rights activism. You’re either misinformed or you’re purposely spreading disinformation. The definition of masculinist is an “advocate of male superiority or dominance.” Men’s rights activism is “a variety of groups and individuals who are concerned about what they consider to be issues of male disadvantage, discrimination and oppression.” As you can see, both are not one in the same. Also, your opinion of the writer is at best satire, since that’s not the true intention of the author of the website.
By the way that was spoken by a alpha dog. No hold back not afraid to die mentally which punks can only state and not do. Not a alpha modified dog that only pleases. If I had to say it to your face I would and if you wanted to get froggy I would put you out of your misery. Shut up do you, and don’t worry about anyone else’s said.
Ephesians 5:22-33
22 Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. 24 Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.
25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her 26 to make her holy, cleansing[a] her by the washing with water through the word, 27 and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. 28 In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. 29 After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church— 30 for we are members of his body. 31 “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.”[b] 32 This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church. 33 However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.
Women are bitches, period.
This is great!
Guys keep pretending to have control and ladies keep pretending to give control. This is what makes the world spin.
Are they? If you believe all women your enemies, then the problem isn’t them, it’s you. The same concept applies when a female says “all men are jerks, unreliable, or some other subjective remark.”
I’m a Dominant female and the only thing this article and the ‘alpha men’ here accomplished where to give me a great laugh. I love it when men think they run things. Men would have wiped themselves out by now if women didn’t exist. Women have control of everything, but we allow men to believe that they do. It’s the male ego–inflated and sensitive. And I love it. I also love making ‘alpha’ men my bitches, but that’s another post…
You confuse your pussy power with actual power. How do you accomplish your command without sex?
Women don’t need men for sex. And power comes from within, not from our pussies. The chicken industry knows the power of females. Kill all the asshole roosters who cock fight and try to dominate, and keep the valuable hens who lay eggs. Only one man in a crowd of women needed to keep the species alive. If more woman understood this power….
PREACH sister. XD
Gotcha sister … Well said by the way!
All women like dominant and decisive men and not a weak, snivelling little pussy of a male. Always dominate your woman with a strong “NO” when she wants to do something that is wrong to your way of thinking. Then she will love, worship, and obey you!
I don’t see how declining something is an act of domination. Thats retarded
Lol. You’re funny. I obey NO man. But I also don’t try to control mine. How about a strong NO, I will NOT suck your duck tonight you pompous pig.
You will die alone
Power or superiority over others is misuse of power in a relationship, it is not love, and Love is respect, and respect is love.
If a man or woman believe they have the right (power) to control the person they are dating, it is an unhealthy relationship.
Maybe men believe they should be in charge of the relationship, although being in charge does not mean misuse (abuse) of power. Any person in charge is liable to be required to give account, as of one’s actions or of the discharge of a duty or trust. Maybe they think unequal relationships are ideal.
Dominance is not love, nor respect.
A masculine male or feminine woman do not need to dominate to be respected, nor do they need to disown their true core masculinity or femininity to be respected.
This should have been the article. When a man tries to dominate me I lose all sexual attraction for him. When a man is submissive I am most attracted to him… When he treats me as his equal I consider him a practical long-term safe choice.
As mentioned before, equal does not work! One person has to be the leader or else there will be non-stop arguing. God gave the role of leader to men.
There’s a good reason why techniques like Fractionation exist. OUT OF NECESSITY!
God also drowned almost all living things because he realized his methods werent working. He stated that men were causing evil in the world. Equality works for some, a sub/dom relationship works for some as well. It just depends on preference, not tradition and nature. That may have been the way of life thousands of years ago but females can do everything men can do except wank themselves. United kingdom has a queen, despite various princes you according to the fucked up headcases in the COMMENTS beleice should be in charge. Polls show that when the queen dies and charles takes over, most british and united nations want to get rid if the monarchy. Funny that. Times have changed and women are equals. This article is fine for some men and women, not all. Yet when women speak up in the comments, suddenly that makes us stupid whores. Some men know what some women want, but women know what they want and the ‘evidence’ as you eloquent dipshits so adequetly put it points to a want of equality from %15 percent of men on this sight alone, %76 percent in WORLDWIDE polls. %98 percent of women on this sight want equality, %1 percent dominance and %1 percent want to dominate. WORLDWIDE %99 percent of women want equality. So instead of being egotistical prats throqing a bible at any woman who has a say, just ask each woman. We are all different. I dont have a problem with this article, but i do hate the comments. Also, for your information, being a nice equal and respectful man is actually proven to be better, hence why any UNHAPPY unequal relationship ends quickly, as well as unhappy equal ones. Nice guys font finish last guys so please just do whatever works for you and your woman. Now please, you other more narrow-minded nitwits, slander me because im clearly a crazy evil woman who should kiss the dirt you *oh so very powerfull and righteous* men walk upon. Go ahead because any man or woman worth his/her name wont be phased by your egotistical crap. Ive stayed entirely neutral in this and i dont agree nor disagree with the article. So pleased to meet you and goodbye. Have a nice day
Wow, well said! seriously thank you! “applause”
Love is nothing more than an emotion that reflects what one greatly desires, which means that demonstrating love to another is merely attempting to satisfy your own desires for the other. There is no other reason to love anyone or anything. To put it another way, you aren’t going to love someone or something you don’t desire, and you aren’t going to hate someone or something you desire. If two people love one another it means they do so “only” because each of them provides any number of things the other desires, to include the psychological characteristics of being dominant or submissive. Thereby, dominance is indeed love if a woman desires to be dominated, and will be one aspect of why she loves the man dominating her. Can a man even begin to demonstrate respect for a woman if he refuses to give her what she wants? Granted, domination can be carried too far, but aside from the legal limitations and repercussions corresponding to outright abuse, that too is in the eye of the beholder. You can’t proclaim your own subjective sentiments of morality, as so many on the internet do these days, as if they were objective truths. It doesn’t work that way.
This is utter nonsense. People (male or female) who are spiritually connected with the universe, who are at peace within their soul, who truly accept ALL the cards life deals them will look upon this website created by silly humans and disregard it completely on the basis of its inane stupidity, bravado and egotistical standpoint. We mustn’t feed these maniacs’ logic.
“spiritually connected”
you mean not connected…what is the spiritual connection composed of? Electrons?
How do you feel about your Mom, Sis, Daughter, Aunt and good friends that are female being treated in this manner? Remember that we all have loved ones that actually care about how others treat us. Think about it!
I think, not feel, that they are dimwits that are slaves to programming.
…unable to understand themselves or what they actually want
Women are not objects! So why should a man dominate a woman? Makes no sense.
And if the woman wants to be treated like an object, and wants to be dominated, you are already dominating her by claiming that she can’t make that choice or be this way. Sort of like the feminists who claim they are fighting for women to have a right to make their own decisions, until of course they make decisions that are not conducive to the feminist view of the world. You know like, heaven forbid, a woman who simply wants to be a housewife. Now there is the end of the world, let me tell ya. Yea, contradictions never make any sense.
Uh… I don’t think it means what you think it means… So is the author talking about dealing with specific female romantic partners who are controlling, who have control issues?
Or is he talking about “how to control women”?
He alludes to both, can’t tell if it’s accidental or intentional. I started reading the comments to get a better understanding as to which according to readers, and apparently there are A LOT of readers on here who are interpreting it as “How To Control and Dominate Women (or my partner)” in general, not “How to Deal with My Controlling Female Partner”.
Which one does the author actually mean?
Read the article again. It’s about how to control any woman – whether she is officially your partner or not.
I love it… contrarian, of course, since I’m female.
I would appreciate some tangible info from here on HOW exactly take control of an out of control relationship; because most women are batshit crazy ! Clearly, men have allowed women way too much power since the 50’s – when women respected their men. Their expectations are unrealistic. They want a tough guy…then she complains how he beats her. I lost EVERYTHING to a manipulative, gold-diggin’ whore (which is quite standard today). I’m not getting involved again, until i learn how to get the upper hand.
That dick won’t suck itself lol
What a bunch of crap I just read!
I don’t mind a man wanting to take the lead or be the leader… but I do have a major problem when they try to control me. One guy had to learn the hard way when he walked out a restaurant 30 minutes after I arrived, and he had begged me to come. He walked out with an attitude as though he was going to teach me a thing or two, but I then got in my car 10 minutes later and drove HOME! His loss.
Any man who does not respect, cherish and even love me for who I am, and does not respect boundaries is DONE! Sorry, guys.
I am a hard working former single parent who is used to the nice things, but I had earned everything on my own, and there is no way a man is going to walk into my life and think he is taking over… just not happening!
Single parent? That says it all. Either you are not competent enough to find a suitable partner in the first place or you fucked it up with a good one. It says more about you, than about the people in your environment. Good luck being a mum and dad in one person. I’m sure your kid is going to end up with some issues as happens to so many these days where the state gives all these benefits to the “independent” single mums. You are not independent, you just shifted your dependence to a different entity. What a joke!
Yep. I grew up in a single mother household with no strong men around to teach me how to be a man and I suffered greatly for it. I had to figure the shit out on my own and was a nice, respectful man (read: celibate) with not enough ambition, drive, assertiveness, dominance, or any other masculine traits. I was raised on feminine values and traits and it nearly ruined my life. Now I am successful financially with my own business, I easily attract good looking, feminine women who are emotionally healthy, and I am the leader in my social circles. Do NOT listen to the angry women or their white knight supporters commenting here fellas. They know not of what they speak.
A world made up of all women would be a doomed world.
A world made up of all men would be a doomed world.
Masculinity and femininity, dominance and submissiveness…these are complimentary differences of equal importance. Feminism (modern 3rd and 4th wave that is) treats men as if they are simply defective women to be fixed. It isn’t so.
I hope after reading this paragraph i might be able to dominate my wife who all times try to handle me and my things. Am ignoring the criticism comments mentioned above.
Am learning fractionation / watching the masterclass now. Very eye opening.
Good luck, man. It worked for me.
The person who wrote this should be beheaded.
One rotten apple creates more rotten apples.
Creepy misogynists.
Stay away from creeps like this.
Don’t touch them don’t date them.
They will end up killing you and their own kids out of some jealous fit of rage.
LOL. Another post that has done away with logic! Typical female comment…if a man doesn’t agree with the feminist agenda then he is labeled a crazed misogynist who will kill a woman and her kids. Fear mongering hysteria at its finest.
Hanna13, you’re delusional. You want to be dominated by a strong man – just admit it!
Humblemind, here’s the deal…
90% percent of the divorces in this country are initiated by women. FACT!
How many men have been fucked by divorce court’s child custody and alimony over a spoiled piece of ass?
The only control a man have is his career and his cock. Let bitches buy their own drinks, open their own doors and spend their own money! Stop looking for a rich blue collar cock to spoil them! Actually try working a man’s job and stop bitching about some pay gap! Enough ranting… I rest my case.
Seriously? Hanna, let it go. They are dominant. Obviously stay away frpm abusive assholes but dominant men are almost never like that. This article is about men taking their rightful place, not to belittle SMART women. I say smart because people who argue against nature are idiots, male or not. This article is about relationships and living with women, not to force women to lie down naked in a row as recepricles. Your acting as if men are a cult. They are just saying that they are the sexually dominant species. Get on with your life bitch if you dont like it dont read it jesus. You CHOSE to stick around and read several comments. If you didnt like it THEN WHY ARE YOU ON HERE? aside from freakish dominant woman, all women at least have an urge to be sexually dominated. Its just nature. This isnt to do with the workplace or your own little life. I accept my place as the sexually submissive gender and you should too or you will be unfullfilled and men will not take you seriously. Thankyou
Whoa; I’ve been looking for domination pointers “in the bedroom”, but this seems more like a lifestyle.
My wife and I enjoy a happy partnership, where both of us ask permission for certain things because that’s the way any relationship should be. Neither of us is overly controlling, and our marriage is a happy and loving one. We enjoy changing up in the bedroom and are both in the midst of learning domination from our respected sides because we like to mix things up; I enjoy being tied to the bed posts as does she, and we both enjoy being in charge just as much-but these are bedroom activities only; our life together is a partnership through and through; not a power struggle.
I’ve learned much from various domination “tips” from online resources, and this is the only website that has almost 100% bad female feedback; and I think readers and publishers need to take that into account.
If anyone whom is reading this has also read the Fifty Shade’s of Grey series, then they would know the contrast between the two; domination can be sexy and invigorating, but overly dominating and controlling is a turn-off.
I think the fact brought up of emotionally damaged females liking this lifestyle is correct; as this would lead to cuckqueaning which involves a great deal of humiliation to the woman. Maybe this would be a great article for the short-term fling, but all in all, there is no long-term relationship to be had in this day and age with this kind of mindset.
There’s no doubt that something like fractionation works.
Wow! How many imbeciles commenting here -both white knights manginas and testicularized “women”-. Listen you dumbasses, just look at nature. Male
Females 99.99% of the time. Its a rule of nature that women do not want to accept and that whipped un-masculine weak white knight pleasing manginas use in hope to gain female approval and pity, what a shame. Males are the dominant species all over nature. Take chickens for example. Put a bunch of hens in a pen and one of them will become the bully and the leader in the pecking order. Now put a rooster in with them and the hen will try to bully and to dominate the rooster the same way she does the other hens. But guess what ? Nature’s does its thing and the roosters instincts kicks in and the rooster beats the crap out of this testicularian- rooster-wanna-be hen and put her in her place and now he takes control of the pen, like it should be, as nature intended. The rooster from now on will not tolerate this or any other hen misbehaviour and bullying anymore and will immediately intervene and keep the place in order. It works this way with most creatures in Earth. What happens is that you bunch of morons have an inferior and an authority complex along with emotional insecurities and psychological issues that have not resolve and decide to continue to live in denial. Tough luck for you, you are damage goods always waging a never ending internal and external war with the world always creating conflict and fighting hard against the laws of nature. Pitiful fools. Get over it you freaks. You were not born or raised normally and want to opposed nature in every aspect and every chance you get, but guess what, nature always win. *Sigh*
Nature, huh? Did you know there’s no rape in nature and it’s only specific to humans and a couple of insects? Did you know there are many many matriarchal species out there? Did you know that dominance is not bound by gender in nature? Did you know that even little kids know that a female animal is more valuable than a male one? And did you know that you know nothing about men, women, nature, science, social interactions, etc. …? so crawl back under your blanket and keep your ignorant comments to yourself …
In short- chickens are good human substitutes. Any and all chicken and animal behaviours clearly transfer over to the intelligent species of humans, alpha females dont exist and men wake you up at all hours. Oh and behaviour like that clearly gets a man more than one female in the hopes we shall lay eggs for him. Sincerely, mother hen, apparently.
This only works for repressed women who are truly submissive underneath their dominant exterior. My wife was one of those women, and after years of being at each others’ throats, we have settled into a D/s type relationship. Some women are naturally dominant, and doing this kind of stuff to them will not end well, lol. This is why it’s good to discuss sexual preferences and fantasies with your SO.
My wife always acted dominant, and I just figured that was what she liked for years. However, when 50 shades came out, she started asking me about the movie and my thoughts on it. I, like the dumbass that I am lol, acted disgusted by it because I thought she was seeing if I agreed with this ‘horrible’ movie. Imagine my surprise when she actually told me she thought it was hot!
Since then, we’ve had a great marriage. I was always more dominant tbh, but I just repressed it like she did her submissiveness. I was embarrassed to be seen as just another ‘dirty man’, and I always had the nice guy image. Tbh, I was carrying a lot of anger by repressing myself, and it came out in all kinds of ways that I’m not proud of. My wife was the same way. We both seemed to hate ourselves because we thought our true self was disgusting and gross. We no longer have hardly any fights, and I no longer look at porn (unless my wife is away or sick) due to the fact that my sex life is hotter than porn anyway. ;p
Now, the issue I have with articles like this is how they assume there is a one-size-fits-all approach to sexuality. Yes, some or even most women might like this forcefulness and show of masculinity, but they don’t all like the same thing! Assuming women are some monolithic entity (like feminists assume men are) is a recipe for disaster. Just like some men love being a submissive, some women like to be the domme.
The best idea is to discuss your fantasies with your SO, and please be patient with them! My wife still claims to not have any fantasies to me even after we’ve been doing this for a year now. It’s like she is embarrassed to be seen as a women who is a ‘slut’. I have learned her fantasies by experimenting, but she will not ever say them aloud to me. It’s very strange, but that’s what happens when we have a group of feminists (who probably have never seen the opposite nude up close unless it’s porn.) tell the rest of us what ‘women really want’.
The person who wrote this is clearly a genius.
John, thank you, but this came from this man.
The whole problem of this is revealed in the comments of the readers. There are 3 types of people on this board…1) angry men who at one point had a controlling and dominate female in their life who broke their spirit
2) women who are so called “feminists” i.e. “I am an insecure control freak” who have extreme ideals about male bashing revenge and 3) hurt women who have been taken advantage of by w man at one point and hate men with a seething passion at this point. It’s sad really, and I hope to god these 3 types never never never have offspring, they are not fit to be parents and not fit to create a family. Someone left a bible verse about 30 comments up and even if your not a bible believer, you should gleen from it because it screams with truth.
I love this article , but i already did , my slave i mean my girl do whatever i want , and i do whatever i want and she never complains and she even says: if you left me i will take my own life. I am your bitch i do whatever you want. Ahhhhh i got a lover and she also is like that. I love being a man.
Only a cowardly pig will dominate a woman, and only an insecure woman will dominate a man. It takes a real man and real woman in power, TOGETHER, with mutual respect to make a relationship work. And smart women worth her spit won’t put up will men’s bullshit. I know, I divorced two men who tried to dominate me. I had more balls than both of them combined. Finally married one who ‘gets it’ and he is strong, independent, makes his own decisions, and allows me to do the same. On decisions that effect both of us, we both compromise and meet in the middle. Good luck being alone with an empty-minded slave woman if that’s what you want. Because love never comes from a place of FEAR, and a woman who is respected is a woman who gives a man his freedom so long as he is trustworthy.
2X divorced woman giving advice? I hope people are smart enough to disregard your entire comment.
She makes very valid points. Your history with marriage shouldn’t come into the mix. You don’t know their circumstances. Some people would get on her and berate her even if she were single because it’s “proof” of her “undesirability”. So no, don’t go by someone’s status with marriage or single lives. Go by what they have to say.
Listen, lady. I’m not one for this whole Alpha dominating shtick, but your arguments are very bad.
You’re pretty much using the No True Scotsman fallacy and are making generalizations.
You also conflate domination with fear, when no one here advocates this. Also, why do you assume that only weak minded women like to be dominated? That seems very unfounded, biased, unproven and subjective. Also, what’s wrong with being weak minded?
So, I’m a really attractive, young pre-op transsexual, tbh, so obviously, I love when straight men dominate me and make me feel like your average woman. Talk about arousing. However, in the eyes of the primitive misogynist who wrote this article (whoever the goon may be), do you think I am deserving of the erotic maltreatment that you reference in this well-written slam-article? I looooove when men treat me like dirt, but I just want to gauge “how dirty” I am allowed to be treated by bastards—or whatever absurd doctrine you’re espousing—since I’m probably not a real chick in your eyes. Like, idk….many men act really dominant and degrading towards me, which is obviously (as you must know) a sexual turn-on that makes me love them even more, but idk if it’s permissible since I’m obviously actually a man. Thanks in advance lol.
You know ma’am, you’re not right in the head. I guess there’s nothing wrong with this, but using yourself as some sort of example doesn’t make sense. You think and act like a woman, which just sort of reinforces the authors opinion that woman like to be dominated.
I came here wanting to know how to keep my woman submissive and subservient to me. Then I saw the fractionation video. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Your girl must be a miserable being … I hope she gathers enough strength to break up with you ASAP!
You’re a sociopath, lady. If his GF likes being dominated, then good for her. She should have autonomy over her body and mind.
Many critics of this information don’t get it. If a man doesn’t influence and control, he just very well may end up being influenced and controlled, and this isn’t about having a Afghanistan Taliban mindset over his girlfriend, or wife or whatever. If you don’t exert control, or have the relationship where everything is suppose to be equal, you can easily lose your identity as a man. I recently saw a man carrying an infant, in a baby carrier that was strapped to his chest! I was repulsed by the sight, and actually felt sorry for him. Equality anyone? No thanks. The sexes aren’t equal, and never have been. Any man who thinks he can have an equal relationship with a woman, is looking at potential disaster. I’ve seen it too many times with men I knew who tried this, and they paid a high price for thinking this way by treating their women as so called equals.
I agree
So unfortunate you feel that way.
Especially the bit with the man holding the baby. Maybe he’s widowed, divorced or holding the baby while the mother is off doing something. Its clear he loves and cares for his baby. As of that’s such a bad thing.
You just made it sound like men shouldn’t be around babies because they’re bad unqualified people.
I like sites like this. It lets us women recognize red flags in men like you.
We also must teach our daughters and show them these very sites to let them know such men will be preying in them the second they get pubic hair (or maybe before)
So you think a guy minding his kid is pathetic? Good, I hope you never have any … or i change my mind … have some … they’ll slit your throat in your sleep and will get generous rewards from their mother and every woman who’d know you!
Know your role and shut your mouth!
Shogun Method rules!
Well, so……has anyone of you people born after 1990 read the bible? Sure doesnt seem like it. Its in our genetics to be this way. Its biology. Get over it. We got too many men acting like women and women acting like men. The bible speaks truth. But it also told us women would decieve thier husbands i to submission. This is one of the signs of the end of days. Looks like lucifer is winning. Read the bible people. Lol
All these comments on how men should be dominant and should rule over women and that it’s in the Bible, but actually think about this: not all of us are Christian and also not all of us are psychopaths who think that some people should be looked down on because they were not born males. You talk about women as the weaker sex but surely the weaker sex would be considered to be the sex that buys drinks for the sex that shows a bit of skin. Nobody should dominate anyone. We are equals in this cruel, disgusting society, actually. When you die, your God isn’t going to prefer you just because you are a man, he is going to look at how you treated people in your life and if you were an example of a loving, forgiving Christian or how you didn’t. Being a dominating man is not going to get you into heaven but loving your neighbour as you love yourself just might.
Your comment was nice actually! Thank you! And I agree – humanity over religion!
Without definition of words, there is little communication.
The English words, ‘woman’ & ‘wife’ come from Old English, ‘wifman’ meaning with the man.
AND, man is more than just a male.
A Man is a male who loves the “weightier matters of the Law: Truth, Mercy and Faith”, his neighbor, and the rights of man: The right to life, property, truth, and security.
In Greek, they have 2 words for ‘man’: Anthropos, meaning man faced, and Aner, meaning like the loyal good Amorite friend of Abraham who helped Abraham kill the bandit kings who kidnapped Lot. (Genesis 14)
In China they also recognize Aner as a Man, except they call him Naner and use this word to describe real MEN
Thus the phrase, “all men are created equal” only applies to real Men.
ps I spent 50 years not knowing what a man is and I am much happier now that I know.
All the major problems in American society are because most American males are not Men.
Here are a few of the many curses-judgments on America because of this:
1. Those who hate you rule over you. (Levitius 26:17)
2. Females and children will rule over you. Isaiah 3:4, 12)
3. I will appoint the basest of me to rule over you. (Daniel 4:17)
ps. no e-mail at present
Yeah you’re right, your mama was so wrong when she didn’t get an abortion when she was pregnant with you, you woman hater coward!
Heres a dictionary for you, and for you. Now lets go into noun. Female: the reason this article was created was because females were, have and will continue to kick your ass.
Just go to a BDSM site and find a female submissive who is looking for a master.
Dayuum!!! The comment section is LIT!!! Savage AF!! Where my popcorn at? I need to see this!! “Keeping up with the Kardashians” is nothing compared to this drama! First I lmao at the article itself, then this? Omg!!!
Your comment is the only comment that brought a big smile on my face!
You all are idiots, and deserve all that is about to come back to you. This seductress will break your hearts, leave you hanging, kick your ass in a triathlon, out-manuever you in a chess match, and laugh at your low EQs while you writhe in pain. So pathetic that you need to seek out a webpage to learn how to conduct yourself. You call yourself real men? Learn how to figure things out for yourselves! Pathetic. Oh, and by the way, women today get the majority of college degrees in America. It doesn’t matter what kind — associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral — women beat men in all the categories. Interesting how the pendulum has shifted. Oh! I get it. That’s why you men are all so fucking insecure. Thanks for listening!
Thank you very much! Enough said! And I’d like to add that woman today are getting more college degrees in general,it’s not just the US! Regards!
Ha! This article hits the nail on the head. “The moment attraction is felt you begin to ask permission”? Mate, it’s likely you have issues with the maternal figure from your childhood. Therapy is an excellent way to move forward rather than fighting an imaginary battle between your psyche and the female in your life.
In all things there is a balance, men tend to be physically stronger, among other negligible attributes (for this modern society) but alas the men who say they feel controlled by a woman are generally reliving some past trauma, are slaves to their physical desires & ego.
If you have lost control in areas you believed yourself proficient, it is likely you were deluded as to the level of your proficiency. Women wish men could hand pain and stress as well as themselves (it’s about the biology of pregnancy, labour & child-rearing) so if control has been removed it is due to your failure – likely plural failures.
Improve yourself mate so you can enjoy a fulfilling relationship rather than destroying everything due to a childhood experience.
I only want to be dominated by women and serve them… and I am proud of it.
Nice try… Shawna.
My hats of to you for being yourself and not minding cowards who just want to dictate to everyone how they should live their lives!
You’re right about that but…uh, you’ve been trying to browbeat men and women who prefer the “traditional” dominant/submissive roles and dictate how others live their lives for dozens of comments? Guess it’s only okay when YOU approve of the lifestyle.
Some of you misunderstand women’s intentions. When some girl says she likes to be dominated, it means she wants a father who can carry her weight for her and protect her. And this is what this article (and Matthew) means. Seriously.
Thank you, Matthew!
Despite what everyone says… it’s not about women-hating at all.
Take care, everyone.
Did I miss something? Where’s this fractionation masterclass everyone’s talking about?
The Fractionation Masterclass link is here –
See if you qualify.
How’s it going, my lovely man-whores?
You all want to be crushed under the heels of a strong women. Admit it! Men like you are yearning to be dominated by a sexy woman like me. And as I am the most beautiful woman on the planet, you should be begging me to dominate you!
Mistress DarkCloud From Russia
This. This has made my day. XD
Power & control are featured in every relationship – it’s just a matter of degree.
Of course, to a woman it’s better to leave any abusive relationship rather than assert dominance, but truthfully, it’s hard to do once she is emotionally attached.
Seeking to dominate a partner leads to the crushing of individual, there is no point in that – that’s what my rational mind says anyway. Whether my hearts says the same, I don’t know.
If a man is pussywhipped, he should simply leave his partner, but I don’t blame him if he “fights back”.
Women aren’t made for boys, and not all women are manipulative! We were all created equal! And, guess what, if it weren’t for all us women, all you boys would be freaking screwed! Say bye-be to the human race in eighty years or so! These techniques are cruel and bring to mind some cultures who shame women, because they stay and help the human race continue. Genders are mainly how we can help reproduce, and were the majority of our strength comes from. Women can run, hunt, fight, think, read and learn just as well as a man. And men can cook, sew, clean and take care of children as well as any woman can! It was only society that put these ideas into our heads. That’s also whats happening here! These tricks worked for someone, so he wanted to share them! Even if I personally think they are wrong, and that women can be in control (or there can be no dominate figure in a relationship, the partner’s can be equal) in a relationship, it doesn’t mean all women are manipulative and take advantage of men. That’s another stereotype! We should be supporting each other, working together to solve the big problems in life! Not putting down and abusing potentially the women who could have done something amazing, if someone hadn’t taken control and made her feel small and worthless. I get straight A’s never missed an assignment in my life, and got into a program to be a leader! I always have been more of a leader than a follower, and saying just because I am a women I shouldn’t be allowed to lead is wrong and unjust. Some people like to follow a man blindly, likes to be punished and rewarded, for what they do wrong or right. That is their preference, just as some males prefer to be dominated. This article also probably made men who prefer to be dominated or equal feel small and worthless. If a man likes to follow, let him. I have always liked men who don’t see me as another notch in his belt or another “sex slave”. Once again, some people like the primal sensation of being controlled, but it is completely wrong to assume all of us do. And in trying to look a little less sexist the author wrote “IF YOU HAVE ILL INTENTIONS AGAINST WOMEN THEN DO NOT CLICK”. This entire article was completely sexist, as if this could save it. Women are also not pets! Waiting for a man to tell them what to do and how to live! We are free, we are independent! And no women should have to stand for men trying to plant thoughts in their head, and manipulate them! This entire article was about how to manipulate YOUR PARTNER for gods sake, and make her pad after you mindlessly. That brings to question why you fell in love with her! It obviously wasn’t for her mind, (her opinions, humor or quirks) so, it begs the question why you did! Techniques like this change women, and make them scared to do anything, in fear of any sort of punishment! We have feeling you know, yeah we’re not all cold blooded manipulators. And I personally respect a guy who is willing to make me happy, first and foremost. In the end, it is not about, sex, or who is in control, during a relationship. It’s about making the person you love happy. And I as a women who is a major supporter of equal rights, would immediately leave a guy who did anything like this. In conclusion, women are not toys, we are free and independent, these methods hurt people and are cruel, and not everyone likes these tricks. So stop assuming everything you hear is true. It’s the 21’st century…..get over it
TL;DR – “I’m a woman and I’m pissed because it worked on me!”
Nice try.
I have to disagree with this: ” be a jerk, women like jerks” Being a jerk/asshole/bitch and being a dominant are 2 different things. YOU see bitchy women and you think she’s dominant, but when you grab her hair and slap her butt she becomes wetter than an atlantic ocean
I want to serve, support, and follow my man. Always wanted this since I was a girl. Ended up with an idiot wannabe dom man who was abusive. Left him and found a real man who dominates correctly. No need for mind control, I’m there for my man 100%. Whatever he says goes. I’m much happier this way. As a straight female, I want a real man. Real men dominte and love their women. It’s not as negative as you think.
this is my girl
I think we need to start understanding the difference between sex and life here. In the realm of consensual sex anything is fair game. If women want to dominate men or men dominate women. Awesome. Have at her. Consensual. Agreed upon.
What you are encouraging is not consensual…nor is it even about sex. You are just spouting off the same patriarchal crap that has been taught to men since forever. This is not something new.
Relationships are about balance. Not one person always calling the shots and the other along for the ride. That’s far more slave and master relationship. And again unless you are in a kinky relationship like that…then most of this is emotional abuse.
Whether or not a woman is doing it or a man. The man is not pussy whipped. He is probably just abused.
Respectful healthy relationships are based on trust, mutual respect for BOTH people’s opinions and ideas. The fact that one person or the other HAS to control the other person is a sign of some deep psychological issues and is not something that should be encouraged. If you are harming your partner you need to seek treatment.
A man can be strong, interdependent, loving, warm, have great self confidence and share the leading and decisions with his partner. This is 2017 people. We need to do better than always trying to control the other person. Those are not partners, those are enemies. Save your mind control tactics for the military. They have no place in intimate relationships AT ALL.
Read the article… I didn’t say women are “enemies”. Are you hallucinating?
You can be controlling and yet loving at the same time. It’s not mutually exclusive. In fact, your woman WANTS you to be dominant instead of being a pissy little wimp, Chris.
I have been a dominant man all my adult life, and within my role today in the BDSM world I am a sadist. What you all fail to notice here is all this Dominance/submissiveness is all about personal choice and as long as children are kept safe from it, and rules and safe words are adhered too, who the hell is anyone to have their say on the matter, mind your nose and butt out. simple really….what they do and as long as they hurt no other has bugger all to do with anyone else.
I have killed before in war. As a woman I watched men bleed. As a woman I watched children die. I dont give a shit about drama, I was dominated by my own country just as any man or woman who fought beside me. Now that I am free from my service I promise if any of you men decide to dominate me I will beat the shit out of you. It will not feel good, and I do not care about the consequences. You better hope I am not the one you decide to fuck with.
I am not a tool, I am not a toy, I am an equal. And any man who thinks otherwise is less, any woman who thinks differently deserves what is coming to her because she decided that her pride meant nothing.
the men on here are predators, that’s why the world is going to shit. This is about more than sex…Your mindset causes our world problems. Greed, war, but you don’t give a shit, because your little instincts say you have to be in control, or you’re nothing . Your need to control and be on top is actually a weakness, caused by fear. Thanks assholes. Its actually pretty sad and pathetic. Humans need to evolve past all this or there is no hope for us. When I see a man like you guys, i look the other way, trust me. You all need to be part of an embarrassing history of mankind, and soon.
I don’t really understand how all of this is moral. I think if she WANTS it, then that’s fine. As long as both you and her know that you’re on equal standing in the relationship regardless of what your into then I’m all for it.
But I don’t see how just because your a man that means you have to be the dom. I tried to be the dom, and while my relationship lasted for a long time, it didn’t end well and she just just told me that “she just didn’t see the appeal of dominate men” and “they made her feel useless.” And I sort of went through a crisis because I knew deep down I didn’t want to be dominate, but I was felt that I needed to be because it was the social norms.
Eventually I found a dominate women and we’re married now, but I just wonder if there are any dominate men that don’t feel threatened when encountering a dominate women. Do you feel insulted if she doesn’t back down, and do you feel your masculinity is questioned? If you met a woman who was dominate would you outright tell her that she can’t be dominate because she’s a woman, or would you be truthful and say that it just hurts your feelings? (That sounds really mean, so I’m sorry but I feel that it’s the truth.)
It doesn’t make any sense to believe that just because your a man you can act like you own her and be borderline abusive. If it’s okay for a man to take control, the I don’t see why a woman can’t. My wife isn’t submissive in the slightest, and apparently our relationship isn’t supposed to work, so why does it? I don’t think it’s a matter of being pussywhipped, it a matter of how fragile your ego is. Men aren’t weak for being submissive just because the go to the bathroom differently and can’t have children, just as women aren’t bad for being dominate just because they can have children and are typically shorter.
I’m sorry if anyone got offended, and if your D&S relationship is mutual then I hope it lasts! But please be able to determine the difference between emotional and physical abuse and consensual D&S. Relationships should be fun and mutual, not of “who’s the most masculine” and “who’s the most willing to suffer from social norms that have no basis and can change at any time.”
The men here are justifying their actions and decisions based on their complexe of inferiority.
It is written all over the place on this page. The men are so emotional it is insane.
Stop pretending that women want you harm you sick fucks. Learn to control yourself and emotions.
How can you pretend that this will not be used to harm women when you explicitly encourage hatred towards them by saying stuff like ”pussy whipped” ?
Relax, babe. It’s just some random content you found online. It’s not even meant for YOU in the first place. Why pulling your hair over some article online? So emotional!
I am a woman and find this amazingly correct. Alas, this needs effort, courage and confidence and lately I haven’t met a single man to have those qualities. More power means more responsibility and wimps out there prefer being single wankers than becoming strong and dominant leaders in their love lifes.
I am giving this article to my boyfriend to read and this will be his last chance.
This article gives a refreshing perspective on relationships. Mind Control is truly intriguing!
Hi everyone,
I’m a female who prefers being dominated to a degree at the moment.
One interesting thing I read which relates to this issue was a study of “switches” (people who are into BDSM and switch between the dominant and submissive roles). Brain activity and state of mind were studied in these people who enjoy both roles.
It was found that during dominant activity a “flow” state is entered. This is when you feel highly competent and in control, enjoying feeling good at what you are doing with ease.
During submissive activities, the state entered was similar to “mindfulness” (ie. The meditative practise when you concentrate on nothing but the moment. What you can feel, see, hear etc. No thoughts and no worries).
Personally I think if you enjoy dominance or submission it is simply how you feel good, if you feel more comfortable feeling competent and in control you will probably prefer to be dominant, if you prefer the feeling of relaxing that comes from following someone’s lead, then great.
These days, I have no qualms about my competence, intelligence, ability to enforce boundaries, gain respect, make my own choices etc. And so submitting doesn’t really bother me. I have a degree in physics with Astro and also in clinical research. The idea that following a dominant guy makes me stupid, boring or incompetent is like water off a ducks back. It’s like trying to tease Cassanova that he’s somehow not man enough or is a cissy boy etc etc… Haha- not even remotely worried.
Where I do have problems is worrying about if I’m polite enough, about my life choices, about life direction etc. This is what causes me anxiety. For me submission equals relaxation and no worrying, because my main cause of anxiety disappears.
Being dominated in a relationship is not actually about control, kindness, or being “robbed” of anything. For me it frees my brain to think about other stuff.
For men who prefer dominance- make sure the girl you want isn’t just the hottest girl- you might find it easier to pick girls who prefer to be submissive. To pick a fighter and try and break her is a tad evil. Let people be who they are.
Sorry, I have so much to say on this subject!
As a scientific person there’s loads of evidence to show what works well in relationships.
If you think she probably wants to submit, great. There’s some evidence that when a man holds more of the power in a relationship they last longer. (See link: )
But there’s also evidence that the 65% of men who are NOT open to a woman’s influence is 4x more likely to get divorced. At first this seems contradictory.
But when you really think about John Gottman’s equation that predicts to 91% accuracy of a couple will be happy forever or become unhappy & split- it makes a lot of sense.
Women WILL bring up difficult issues about the relationship on average 4:1 for every time you have a complaint.
By being the dominant partner you are FORCING her to bring up these issues in a SOFT and respectful manner, rather than like a disdainful school teacher. You can, unfortunately, never stop these issues from arising. You just need to have patience.
Partnerships that are happy are ones where the woman feels she can easy breezey talk about difficult issues with her man, who is calm enough not to get defensive but to help work out a way to manage the issue. If a man reacts defensively, stonewalls or makes it harder for her to express the issue- it’s a very bad sign. She’ll get more aggressive over time trying to be heard, and things will spiral down.
Take a leaf out of your teacher’s book at school and NEVER let your partner speak to you disrespectfully or with disdain. Encourage the free flow of info in a respectful way- you can’t put a cork in her (sorry guys) so at least take control of it to a degree if you need to. If she becomes rude or aggressive A firm “do NOT speak to me like that.” Should work well. And also taking control over when you will pick the issue back up will put her firmly back into a state of being careful how she speaks to you. Eg. “We will pick this back up at 7 tonight, after we’ve eaten, IF you can speak about it nicely. If not, it will have to wait until the weekend.”
Women who bring up issues harshly damage their relationship just as much as men who get defensive. John gottman’s work really is very insightful.
The main thing in the background of these dominance and submission issues is a strong friendship, according to gottman, which is the main contributor to happiness over the long term.
I’m guessing everyone has stopped reading by now, haha, but if not I just want to compare the dominant guy I’m with now to the submissive guy I was with before.
BOTH are equally high value guys- the kind men want to be and women go crazy for. Gorgeous, kind, loving, generous. But the submissive was very anxious on the inside. All he wanted to do was make me happy, tell me what I wanted to hear etc. But I could smell the bullshit. I could never stop being a bit nervous/ angsty. I know that’s my fault, but it’s totally the opposite with the guy I’m with now.
This guy owns the room. He’s comfortable with silence, he has his choice of women, he’s a bit crazy, a Brazilian who teaches jiu jitsu. He also cooks me dinner almost every night- because he enjoys it. I help if he tells me to, otherwise I sit. He offers to do my laundry, he tells me to wear shoes in the kitchen etc etc . He’s the nicest guy ever. But dear god I wouldn’t cross him. I will always speak to him with respect because he commands it. Dominance is not about being mean or insecure or defensive. It’s actually the opposite.
Anyway- bla bla bla. That’s my 50 cents! Hope it makes sense…
I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.
It is obvious that this guy is simply a pig. He’s all about himself and most likely a wimp that’s only seen women in pictures anyway.
Men treat women with respect and they will return the respect. If I see a man or boy treating my girls any less than a lady I will teach them what it’s like to be a man.
Relax, “James”. There’s only one reason why people like you are so triggered: because Shogun Method works.
Wouldn’t men like you just be happier with ….men?
My husband loves doing things to please me and no, he’s not weak, he’s actually very intelligent, our bread-winner, works out five times a week and has a great personality, and on top of that he lives to please me. Life is great! You guys should just date men, only men, who think just like you.
Your husband is a cuck
Unfortunately, you need to make sure she doesn’t have Aspergers, because women who have Aspergers operate on logic much more intensely than men do, and it results in men finding them to be a very hard nut to crack. Also, I find that men are more emotional than women. They have a real weakness. I know, because I am that logic driven woman, and so far, all men do is say things like “she’s too strong”, or “you remind me too much of myself, or “you’re a hard nut to crack” If women thought it was a curse to be too soft and controlled, they should see how downright mean men are to a strong woman, and they attack me on purpose almost just because I’m strong. It’s like they want to bring me down. But I can’t be.
I just wanted to mention, from studying the Bible closely, I found out in the first part, the Hebrew translation shows that we were told to both dominate the planet and that we were made exactly with the same substance and same natural origin and inner nature. It wasn’t until the curses came that women had this “vulnerability”. The thing is, I really detest men who are not Christlike. Any man who tries to dominate me, I give the boot. He’s not supposed to do that. I’ve put one man in jail too, for attacking me, and I wasn’t afraid of him, I was actually afraid of what I could do to him. My own dad told me I could kill someone, and even though I am completely non violent, so that I can be a good Christian, it’s not as if aggression isn’t part of my makeup as well. I’ve gotten angry, and have frightened some men with how intimidating I can be.
Let me tell you one thing, you aren’t superior. period. and even my IQ is really high, so I can say that.
You sound like you’ve been brainwashed to think you are entitled to be in charge. Listen, it’s all human pride. Pride is hated by God. and you can’t boast in front of him because your not anywhere close to being superior. We are all at the same level: beneath God.
So, the real thing we must do, is break those curses. The remover of those curses is Christ. Your curse, as a man is that you have to work like a dog to get things. the woman’s curse is that because she has more affection, men always have a desire to make her subject to him. It’s a temptation, and pride leads you there, but it’s evil pride. the thing you need to do is NOT WORRY about how your will get food or a job or whatever you need. That’s how you break the curse.
What you should be doing is learning Godliness and then being sacrificial, caring about everything and everyone on this earth first before your own needs. A real man is responsible like that. Men who seek their own, no matter how forceful and dominant they are are THE MOST UNATTRACTIVE, and appear the most immature too. No matter how substantial they try to make their so called dominance look and how aggressive they are, the last thing I would ever do is take someone that selfish seriously. Even if they were violent. They could kill me and I’ve never renounce this. They are tossers.
As you can tell, I really can’t stand being controlled. I do my own thing, take up my own hobbies, learn it all alone, in great detail until I’m the best, and I only take advice if it seems good to me. My attitude is extremely good towards people, but I’m just a free person who is accomplished and happy! I’m an electronic musician, I know a lot about how to put together systems, I’ve been a web developer and designer for 25 years, I started a mobile business before the iPhone came out, People see me as a very strong and very wise and knowledgable person. I’m not looking for a man. the are just way too much hassle to maintain.
I read this article to apply it to some guys at work trying to dominate me, and it’s relaly pissing me off, so wherever you have the word “she” I replace it with the word “colleague”.
You should try doing that, because when you replace it with the word colleague, all the sudden what you wrote looks incredibly dumb as a post. I wouldn’t have an attitude like that, it would get a person fired!
My advice to you, is I am indifferent to your article. I make my own decisions, and I really don’t need you anyway because I have a great career and probably make more money than you. I actually really LOVE not having men to deal with in my life, and I’ve grown to really not want much to do with them. I’ll work with them, but that’s all they get from me. I fell in love when I was young, and it was all pain. In the end I realized I put all my affection forward for pure pain. I need to be happy, and men are not the answer. So, when it came to a head and I analyzed all the things that have made me so unhappy, it was men. theya re so selfish and unspiritual, I just don’t even want to talk to them. and I feel like I have to stay a distance so they don’t try to have sex with me, because they seem to have no self control either and seem to think that it’s RIGHT to be that way. Noooo, it’s actually like a child who refuses to stop peeing their pants. it’s really unattractive and childish. I don’t need these men who revert to their lower nature all the time and be all lustful and skeezy.
All you are showing is a way that is very unsophisticated and useless. your selfish desire to control others is for the toilet. Just work on yourself. That’s what you need to do. The more you take on yourself as a project and learn how to be a more humble kind person, the more you find out how incredibly hard it is to do, and how it reaps way more benefits in the end. It’s an accomplishment to have humble character, because all you want to do is try to be superior, and that’s your childish lust, not developing the sophisticated side. BYE
Wow. Do you ever bore the guys you’re with? No wonder you get dumped like a bad habit each time.
While not prefect, there are some good points.
As a woman, I personally prefer a dominant men. I’m a bit submissive by nature. I prefer going with the flow and don’t really like taking charge. While I can be independent and assertive in my personal life, in my relationship, I prefer to have the guy take the lead. My husband and I get along great, I never get angry or yell at him (I don’t like arguments and prefer to keep the peace).
Being submissive doesn’t mean I look to be mistreated or disrespected or be walked over like a door mat. My husband treats me well, because I treat him well and show him love and affection. I don’t need to be in charge. I trust him.
That’s what’s wrong with today’s feminists. It’s no longer about equal opportunity, which is a good thing don’t get me wrong. It’s feminists looking to pick a fight where it isn’t warranted.
Abuse and mistreatment is never okay. That’s not what’s being advocated. It’s not for everyone, but for some couples it works and they’re happy.
I’m a woman and i’m so thankful for sites like these because i honestly feel it is so hard to find a man who is dominant today. Really hope the male readers of this takes this to heart because there are so many women out there just secretly craving for a more alpha type male and to be submissive. It’s almost shameful for a woman to be herself today because all women are deep down submissive and crave strong men however much it’s been repressed. I mean I know I am weaker than any man and I want to be taken care of and protected by a man that know how to lead so well I thought this was well written and good advice.
100% truth!
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