Some guys would die for some tricks that will give them powers to attract women. As a reader of though, I want you to have bigger dreams and goals! I mean, why stop at “attracting” or “seducing” women when you can make a girl completely crazy over you?
Indeed, there are just so many things you can do in order to make a woman go bat shit insane over you…
…and guess what? These things don’t even involve being crazy handsome like Brad Pitt or filthy rich like Bill Gates. Seriously.
In fact, a lot of these things are pretty much under your control. In summary, here are the things that you can easily improve in order to make a girl go crazy over you in no time:
How To Make A Girl Go Crazy Over You
- Up your energy levels
- Be choiceful about the compliments that you give
- Improve your looks
- Enhance your social skills
- Boost your confidence levels
- Learn covert seduction techniques
Let’s examine each of these in greater detail. 🙂
Your Energy
Energy may involve various things, such as the butterflies in a person’s stomach… flirting… tension… or something completely different altogether.
Generally speaking, though, energy is all about making a girl feel excited at the prospect of seeing you and spending more time with you.
Make no mistake – energy plays a huge role if you want to make a woman go absolutely ga-ga over you. To give more energy to every interaction that you have with a girl, just make her laugh, be spontaneous, tough her lightly, engage in sexual innuendos, and be playful. All of these things are sure to get her thinking about you 24/7.
On the other hand, low energy (cough, Jeb Bush, cough) will be absolutely disastrous to your game.
The Compliments That You Give
Word of warning: most women aren’t good at accepting or receiving compliments. Truth is they completely suck at it.
Do not be discouraged, however! The way that you compliment a girl can play a big part in winning her over in the long run.
(After all, if she keeps getting compliments left and right, she might just end up taking yours for granted or not believing them altogether.)
So how do you avoid these pitfalls then?
Well, simple…
You only have to compliment girls on what make them unique.
Think about what is making that girl beautiful at that particular time, for example, and focus on that particular trait when you compliment her.
Don’t overdo it though… or you’ll be seen as sucking up to her just to get into her panties. Be forewarned!
Your Looks
First things first…
There is no need to be good-looking by nature in order to attract a girl’s attention. Really.
To a woman, seduction is not entirely physical. Getting a girl to love you goes way beyond a perfect head of hair, good skin, or chiseled jaws.
As a matter of fact, being too good-looking comes with several disadvantages. A lot of girls instantly assume that good-looking guys are players, for example.
However, this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t do your best to improve your looks at all. You just need to pay better attention to the way that you dress, the way that you style your hair and how much you work out.
Improving yourself on all of these levels can help you look great and make you feel more confident overall, as well.
Your Social Skills
Geeks and nerds aren’t made fun of because of their hobbies or their appearances. Instead, they become the butt of jokes because of their poor social skills and their inability to flirt with women.
Fortunately for them, geeks are also very intelligent, and this can be advantageous to them.
So, if you are considered to be a geek or a nerd, try wowing a girl with your conversational skills more than anything else. Show her how much you have to talk about and help her connect with you on a deeper level.
In fact, to lots of women, intelligence equates sexy!
Always work within your own limitations. Feel good about who you are, and you’ll radiate confidence outwards.
Your Confidence Levels
The one thing that you can easily improve in order to make a girl go crazy over you, and it is this – your confidence.
Everything about confidence levels can be boiled down to this simple fact – all you really have to do is show girls how comfortable you are in your own skin, no matter what you say or do in their presence.
Remember though… all of the aforementioned things would be completely pointless if you do not have a confident bone in your body to begin with.
Use Covert Seduction Techniques
I am saving this for the last simply because this idea can be objectionable to some people.
You see, there exist some covert seduction techniques which can make any woman fall in love… sometimes in as little as 15 minutes or even less. These techniques are often rooted in hypnosis and mind control, and as you can imagine, they can be downright dangerous if they fall in the hands of the unscrupulous.
One of such techniques, known as Fractionation, is the basis of perhaps the most innovative (and controversial!) seduction routine of all time: the October Man Sequence. Fractionation involves making a woman go through an emotional roller coaster, and in the process makes her emotionally addicted to a man.
With Fractionation, you can easily make a girl go completely go crazy over you by making her think about wanting to be with you, night and day. You can use it to make a woman feel completely beholden to you so that she depends on you to survive.
To learn about Fractionation, find out if you qualify to attend the online Masterclass by clicking on this button below:
You’ll need to enter your name and email address to see if you qualify. If your application is accepted, you’ll be emailed the link to the recorded Masterclass – so please provide your best email address.
Go on, do it!
My outlook on this is simple. A girl is like a rare flower. If treated properly it will bloom into the most beautiful thing you will ever see.
F*cking fag.
Wow Stephen? You are?!? You are so brave for coming out of the closet. It is more socially acceptable nowadays
I love this
This worked so well for me. She couldn’t stop thinking about me!
Thank you so very much! My relationship with my girlfriend is going great because of this.
Learning more from Matt and team each day. 🙂
This will help get me started, for sure. Where can I find out more about fractionation though?
Felix, watch the Masterclass by Derek Rake. It was created for Baltimore Seduction Lair members, but right now it’s open to everyone else.
To start, go here:-
Just follow the instructions (and importantly, read the disclaimer!)
We do screen sometimes for “impostors” (particularly, media members who want to do an expose on Derek’s techniques and, and so if you see that you don’t qualify (details in the above link), drop me a message.
There are a lot of girls that are attracted to me but won’t move. What do I have to do?