OK, so here’s the deal. When it comes to dating, if you want to win, you have to play dirty. Sure, this might sound devious at first, but truth be told – every successful human being is a dirty player at heart. Each and every one of us are manipulators, whether we like to believe it or not.
You see, we manipulate people to get what we want. We do this all the time! We manipulate our surroundings and our situations. Even the small white lies we tell are forms of manipulation. Sure, we might tell a small lie for positive reasons, but regardless of our intentions, it’s still manipulation.
Makes sense, right?
So we should instead ask ourselves – what’s wrong with being a manipulator? Here’s the answer: NOTHING.
In fact, in a lot of cases, manipulation is absolutely necessary to our survival. We need to be a little devious in order to further ourselves – and there’s nothing wrong with this at all. We must manipulate to get ahead of the game, and nowhere is this more important than when it comes to seducing women and making them fall in love.
In fact, this is a fundamental principle to the mysterious Shogun Method – a Mind Control manual designed to emotionally enslave a woman so that she becomes addicted to you. Don’t be alarmed by the harsh wording – it sounds much worse than it actually is. All this means is that in order to make a woman want you more than anything else in the world, you must accept your true nature as a manipulator.
The Shogun Method tactic I’m about to teach you here today is a fairly new concept. It’s called the Deliberate Misinterpretation technique.
And as you have already guessed, it’s as manipulative as hell, but it works like gangbusters! But before I share with you how you can use this technique to get any woman you want, please do me a favour first. Click on the LIKE button below because that will encourage me to make even more of these videos for you. Deal?
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You see, most guys think that in order to get a woman to fall in love with you, you have to be like her. This is completely wrong, and is a mistake made by amateurs as well as losers who call themselves “Pickup Artists” or PUAs.
All this “fake familiarity” will do is lead you towards the dreaded friend-zone! Don’t make that mistake, alright?
Instead, you need to make a point that you are totally different from her.
Deliberate Misinterpretation takes something a woman has said to you and flips it so that it places her in the chaser role. You see, if a girl thinks you’re unattainable, it will make her want you more, right?
For example, a woman might ask you:
“So, whereabouts do you live?”
Instead of giving her a simple, boring answer, say to her:
“Why? So you can keep an eye on me at all times? Be honest, are you trying to stalk me?”
It’s a simple trick, but it works! The woman will then be “forced” subconsciously to try to coax you to reveal information about yourself.
And guess what, as long as you keep it light-hearted, you can turn anything she says around so that you become the interrogator.
Let’s go through another example, alright:
Her: “What do you do for work?”
You: “Just ask what’s really on your mind. You want to know if I’m rich, right?”
See how that works?
Like most of the techniques detailed in the Shogun Method, Deliberate Misinterpretation works at a deeper level than standard seduction techniques. Here’s why it works so well: it bypasses a woman’s rational brain and appeals directly to her subconscious mind.
And you know what: the key to making a woman fall in love with you is to work on her subconscious mind so that she is unable to reject you outright. This is how Mind Control tactics like the Shogun Method and Fractionation work – by bypassing her rational mind and manipulating her feelings.
When used correctly, Fractionation can get a woman under your control, enslave her and make her fall in love with you far quicker than the usual “Pickup Artist” tricks. I have to warn you though that it is not possible to “undo” the effects of Fractionation. Once you have enslaved a woman using this technique, dumping her will cause irreparable damage to her psychology. Therefore, please use this technique responsibly and ethically.
To learn how you can use Shogun Method and Fractionation to manipulate a woman’s mind and enslave her to you emotionally, go to FractionationHypnosis.com or click on this link right now.
Ok don’t get me wrong or thinking I’m bashing on any of these techniques. I know these techniques your teaching and talking about seem like they all the same thing but are the same techniques just worded and phrased in different ways. No offense I understand you gotta make a living. I had a guide that took a part out of every book on how to get the girl and it’s title had each part of those books in it and it had a lot of semelarities to how a narcissist thinks, I mean it used 80s and 90s movie phrases and other things to explain each step in a way that even the most simple minded everyday idiot who never had a chance of even touching a girl except for a chick whos in the negative numbers but after reading this and practicing the ten steps on girls now pulls 10s any time they want anytime. It has a part where you pull them in emotionally then you use what’s called ghost dad instead of the normal ghost trick girls pull by disappearing. In ghost dadding just like Bill Cosby did, you disappear for lil while maybe by going on a vacation with some buddies or say your going on a business trip or if theres a way committ a petty crime and go to jail for a certain amount of time it all depends on how deep you want to pull her in or just to see how far you can go with it. Though you don’t want to go too long or you will lose her. But see the other part of it tells you to get her pregnant if you want to keep her but is not recommended. Cuz if you fuck up then your paying 18yrs child support. The thing is everything in it in these ten steps were all about keeping up the lie and act all about being a fake good guy. As long as you keep it going they will believe everything you tell them is true and you can keep her around. But if not 18 yrs support your paying. It even has two parts of how to hynotize them one for beginners and one for more experienced people and is highly not recommended cuz you can really fuck something up in there head or erase something really important. See ik this all cuz I skimmed through but thought you gotta be pretty pathetic to use these things. When everything it explained I already was that guy every girl wants but I let it go and it got into the wrong hands. Cuz in the end it tells you that you can take someone’s true love or soulmate the actual person that they were meant to be with. Who can tell them everything they are doing and she won’t believe or listen to one thing you say. All that does is pushes them into his arms more while he just sits back laughing when he didn’t even want her the first place and just cheats so he don’t have to pay her child support. This book was used against me and I lost my sons mom to some douchebag who’s over 30 yrs old married and has two kids together both were accidents and she has our son and he has a daughter so that’s 4 and still live with his parents in a 3 bedroom home. When he has no intentions of moving out cuz his whole acts revolves around his parents he’s a fucking boy who has never lived on his own except for in his parents trailer on their property and got busted for manufacturing meth. When he got her pregnant he was using drugs and deliberately failed a drug test on house arrest and went back to prison like I told her would in the beginning of there relationship since I seen what he was doing. And gets out after she has the baby who I held before him. And gets out after the kid is through all the late night diaper and crying and pops up like dur dur stuper dad to the rescue. When the hardest part of it all is over and still doesn’t do shit even now. I can’t figure out the second book that tells you how to counter act the first book. The true loves come back revenge to steal her back. Its like a boy who walked his dog or something. I honestly need some pointers on how to beat a narcissists mind control tricks without going and killing the mother fucker and spending life in prison away from my son. Hes getting manipulated and lied to by this pos also. Please please from a father who loves his son more than anything I need a plan on how to get her to leave him so my son’s future isn’t ruined.