First of all, do NOT share this page with anyone else. We have recently been getting a lot of publicity on our activities, and we want to remain as “underground” as possible simply because THE FEWER PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT THIS STUFF, THE BETTER IT IS FOR US. If you do not agree to keep this only for yourself, please exit immediately.
How To Make A Woman Fall In Love – In Ten Minutes Flat
Now if you’ve been reading our mini-guides you will realize that we are heavily influenced by Derek Rake’s teachings. In fact, SIBG’s founding was influenced by a meeting I had with Derek Rake in Sacramento back in 2000 – where he shown me a mind blowing seduction trick which changed my dating life forever… and for good. 🙂
I am going to show you this trick in its entirety in this video that you’re going to watch next. Derek Rake invented this technique (also known as the “Female Mind Loophole“) which hacks into a woman’s mind and make her fall in love quickly (often in ten minutes or less). Inside this video, you’ll learn…
- The classic Fractionation technique, which is one of the “forbidden patterns” which have been used widely in underground seduction circles since 1996. Interestingly, underground dating gurus have been telling people NOT to use this technique because according to them, it’s like “bringing a nuclear bomb to a gunfight“.
- A set of three exact, word-for-word lines which any guy can use to make a girl attracted to him subliminally. I’m sure you’ve seen guys getting kissed by girls minutes after they approach. This is how they do it.
This Is What I Fear…
I worry that once this technique gets exposed, more and more guys will attempt to use it clumsily and then render it useless. I go out to meet women here in Baltimore every Saturday evening, and the last thing I want is to have my game ruined by amateurs trying to use this technique on women.
And so, because I do not want more people to come to this website and find out about this technique, I’m going to ask you to enter your primary email address below. If you are from Baltimore, DO NOT ENTER YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS (I do not want more competition). Also, I reserve the right not to send this video out to anyone I am not comfortable with. Thank you for understanding.
If you are facing problems entering your email address above, leave me a message below and I’ll sort it out for you.
-Matthew Ganz, JD ( founder)
PS: Derek Rake has shared with me the technique with the condition that I would never reveal it to people who are NOT members of and my email list.
He is no longer providing personal coaching services although his email newsletter is still active (you will also get a weekly subscription to his Rake Letter – I highly recommend it) – he is now married with a daughter. Once you’ve seen the technique inside the video, you will understand why he is reluctant to share it.
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